They all look alike

bambino's Avatar
Yeah, she said it. Where’s Al Sharpton or OBama?

Oh the hypocrisy
winn dixie's Avatar
Then she laughed about it..
bambino's Avatar
Then she laughed about it.. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Of course she did. You won’t see this anywhere in the MSM. It would be blasted 24/7 if Trump said it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Democrats look alike ??
Budman's Avatar
I saw that idiot Juan Williams explaining this away as no big deal but followed it up with how racist it would be for Trump to utter the phrase.
OK - I think I'm on record as despising Hillary as much as anybody, but in the context of that video, unfortunately, she was arrogantly playing up her own virtues in being able to see the differences in black people, when other people, lesser people than her, aren't as advanced.

She is being her same superior self but we cannot, unfortunately, consider that she is racist here - she is in fact signalling she is not. I think it is OK to hate her for this remark, but for her arrogance condescension to someone who was worshiping her with a fluff interview.

I think the superpredator remark way back when she was also opposed to gay marriage is more damaging.
Budman's Avatar
I don't think she's racist and I don't think the phrase is a big deal. The issue is with the hypocrisy of the left. Everyone knows that if any republican would have said this regardless of the conversation they would be crucified. The MSM would have this on the front page as proof that Trump is a racist KKK member if he had said the exact same thing in the exact same circumstance. Just another example of how fucking pathetic the left and MSM are.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Everyone knows that if any republican would have said this regardless of the conversation they would be crucified. The MSM would have this on the front page as proof that Trump is a racist KKK member if he had said the exact same thing in the exact same circumstance. Originally Posted by Budman
truth.. however, the "right" is not immune to hyperbole. blasting Eric Holder for the "they go low, we kick them" remark, for example. took him way beyond context.
Budman's Avatar
truth.. however, the "right" is not immune to hyperbole. blasting Eric Holder for the "they go low, we kick them" remark, for example. took him way beyond context. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I don't believe the right is anywhere close to this type of "hyperbole" as you put it.

The left tried to blame Sarah Palin for the Gifford shooting because she "targeted" specific districts in her campaign literature.

HRC says the left cannot be civil until they are back in power.

Obama says if they bring a knife we bring a gun.

Holder says we kick them when they are down.

The recent mail bomber had Trump stickers on his van so the bombings are Trump's fault.

The killings in Pittsburgh were done by a lunatic that hates Trump so it's Trump's fault again.

The list can go on forever but you know as well as I that if these same statements were made by a republican the MSM and the left would be screaming at the top of their lungs demanding the resignation of the person who said it as well as anyone who doesn't condemn it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Blinton Mafia just saying ( nobody talks ) Look Whitie just got kill in club fed
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Blinton Mafia just saying ( nobody talks ) Look Whitie just got kill in club fed Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Again, “just saying” WHAT?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Again, “just saying” WHAT? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

"Whitey" Bulger, a mafia hitman, died in prison after being transferred from another prison.

kind of suspicious don't you think?
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^^you don't go against the mob ^^^ they will get you .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"Whitey" Bulger, a mafia hitman, died in prison after being transferred from another prison.

kind of suspicious don't you think? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Not at all. Predictable if anything.

witches do look alike