Elizabeth Warren - DNA and Native American Roots

Since Elizabeth Warren obtained some benefits in her life through claiming to be descended from Native Americans, she should submit her DNA to a company such as FamilyTreeDNA, which will tell us all her DNA profile, which can also provide very specific genetic ancestry information including race.

If she won't do it, then a direct family member could be tested, in the interests of justice.


If it is discovered she has no Native American heritage, she should should be sued for fraud if it can be shown she materially benefited from a false claim of minority status, since she would have denied a deserving minority a spot.

I would be willing to bet she is scared to take the test!!!
lustylad's Avatar
Why isn't James O'Keefe staking out all of her family members to retrieve a discarded drinking cup or cigarette butt with fauxcahontas' family DNA on it?

Should be easy to prove.
Why isn't James O'Keefe staking out all of her family members to retrieve a discarded drinking cup or cigarette butt with fauxcahontas' family DNA on it?

Should be easy to prove. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes, he should try something like that to prove the point.
maybe she would claim chain of custody issues

but most likely she wouldn't comment on the dna test

but it would make great fodder

o'keefe, filming a shot of warren's home, then the cut to a rummaging through her rubbish can, the pilfering of an old toothbrush or strand of hair or a paper cup

all resulting in a screen shot of the dna test showing her lineage can be traced to an obscure clan of austrian schicklgruber's
According to her wiki entry she spent a lot of time in Houston. Strange that I never see anyone mention working or knowing her during that time.

She has at least 3 other siblings. My guess is there's been a lot of research into her past and the rumors of her having no or minimal native american ancestry are well founded.

Hell, I could probably look up her siblings DNA on ancestry or some similar site.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Elizabeth Warren's 'ancestor rounded up Cherokees from their homes for the Trail of Tears'... but she brushes off claims

The great-great-great grandfather of Elizabeth Warren - who has long claimed to be part Native American - was not married to a Cherokee but actually rounded them up for the Trail of Tears, it has been claimed...

Warren's ancestor Jonathan Crawford was a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes.

He then apparently herded them into government-built stockades at Ross's Landing, the starting point of the Trail of Tears - along which as many of 6,000 Native Americans died - in January 1837.

Crawford was apparently part of a volunteer militia between 1835 and 1836 under Brigadier General R. G. Dunlap.

These troops were responsible for forcing - often without violence - Cherokee families from their homes in Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee, the states they had lived in for generations

Previous reports had claimed Crawford's wife, O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford, had been noted as Cherokee on a marriage certificate in 1894...

Instead it said she was listed as 'white' in the 1860 Census, and 'was most likely half Swedish and half English, Scottish, or German, or some combination thereof'. Cherokee was not listed on the wedding certificate, it adds....

'Neither O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford, Jonathan Crawford, nor any of their seven other children, apparently ever claimed [she] had Cherokee heritage,' article author Michael Patrick Leahy writes.

It adds that Jonathan Crawford did probably not join the Army troops that travelled with the Cherokees along the Trail of Tears but he did join the voluntary militia again, which fought the Seminole Indians in Florida. Records show he was in Florida for six months from November 1837.

Paul Reed, a Utah genealogist who is a fellow at the American Genealogical Society, said primary documentation supports these claims.

'Jonathan H. Crawford did serve in the Indian wars,' Reed told the Boston Herald. 'He is listed as serving in the company that rounded up Cherokees.' ...

Warren has been criticised for claiming an ancestor was a Cherokee without documentation.

She also listed herself as a 'minority' law professor in a professional directory in the 1990s.

Former executive director of the National Congress of American Indians Suzan Shown Harjo said it was infuriating that Warren identified herself as part Cherokee without the proper paperwork.

She said: ‘If you believe you are these things, then that’s fine and dandy, but that doesn’t give you the right to claim yourself as Native American.’

(The Daily Mail)
Budman's Avatar
She has most likely taken a DNA test and knows tbat her indian claim is bullshit. If it was true you know damn well the cunt would be posting it everywhere.
She has most likely taken a DNA test and knows tbat her indian claim is bullshit. If it was true you know damn well the cunt would be posting it everywhere. Originally Posted by Budman
I hope she has taken a test and knows it is bullshit. That is likely why she would hesitate before running against our fine President.