My Formal Statement.

Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
It took me quite some time to one; realize that my unfortunate experience in Corpus Christi was now the topic of conversation on here, and two to decide on how to deal with this.
I feel as though a formal statement explaining everything is the best course of action.

One, to the young lady that stated why I hadn’t posted an alert in the ladies section: The moment I bailed MYSELF out… I contacted a moderator asking what I should do. He strongly advised that I keep this to myself. However, I asked if he could post in the Corpus Christi Ladies Forum with the details of the event including the phone number from which they called. If you doubt that PLEASE by all means check it out! And please note the date of the alert.

Secondly, Yes I was arrested In Corpus Christi. Yes, I made a huge mistake that I obviously regret. But in NO WAY am I working for anyone. Common sense, this is SA, Corpus and SA do not work together. Check my reviews… I have had several since date of arrest. I am a relatively new provider but in the past 7 months I have built up a great reputation. Before the “old site” went down, I had 15+ great reviews. Here I have roughly that number as well. Not one stating bad service, shady behavior or anything less than 100% effort to please those men who so graciously chose to see me.
I apologize for not coming right out and saying “Hey everyone I got busted”… but who the hell would. That was the worst night of my life. I cried from the moment the handcuffs clicked for days afterwards.

I do not appreciate links to the people who got arrested either. That shows a lot of personal information. Not just mine, but every person that had this unfortunate experience. This is strongly against the rules of ECCIE that ANY thing that would link a person to their real name and actually it clearly states CRIMINAL BACKGROUND! And ANY person that does such will be dealt with swiftly and strictly (Per ECCIE Rules and Regulations, Rule #5) I have already contacted the moderators on this matter. It is a shame, that some of the people posting the links to these personal names and photos, are long time members, so should seriously know better.

In closing, Yeah everyone found out that I got arrested. But I promise you, more providers than you think have had run ins… Not all… but its only a matter of time… You all think that ECCIE is such a great safe site, yeah it may be better than BP, but this can be taken over too. Remember Houston, and how many of those “safe people” went to jail that night. So before you throw me on the stake to burn me with all the witches, remember that no one is perfect and you have no idea what each girl you see and her criminal background.
ammonite's Avatar
I've never met you, but nicely stated.
Mossman's Avatar
I, too, have never met NJ but I admire the way she states her position. We all, ladies and gentlemen alike, are under the same liability of being exposed to our justice system. Does that change our character? I say no! Embarassment doesn't kill but sometimes teaches. Let's try to learn from each others mistakes. Stay safe!
swwaustin's Avatar
I too have never met you, and it sounds like a tough situation all around. Hang in there.

I apologize for not coming right out and saying “Hey everyone I got busted”… but who the hell would. Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle
I don't know if your silence is right or wrong. What I do know is that even though I like to consider myself pro-hobbyist, and place a high importance on sharing information, I realize that I would take care of myself first. In other words, if I was in the same situation where LE had my real name and board name, then I would not provide any more information that could help or piss off the prosecution.
i am just sorry it happened to you....we all take that chance everytime we meet someone new in the hobby site is 100% safe and never will be...its just the chance we take....myself i think i would have been like you...its not the type thing i would have wanted everyone knowing about....and i for one never thought anyone from this site that was involved was working with LE.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your ordeal, NJ.

Life sometimes dumps a load of crap on our front door and all we can do is wash it off, learn what ever lesson we can and go on with our life.

Wish you all the best!
Precious_b's Avatar
Kudos to you kid.

We all have things that we wish we could hide/not do again.

I don't think it should reflect on you badly.

I had an ATF that was busted also. Never changed anything about her to my eyes.

Don't give them the satisfaction with the tears.
Budman's Avatar
Good luck with this ordeal. Years ago in another city I was busted for solicitation. It sucked and I was fortunate to keep it from my friends and family.

I think what surprises most of us is the ads you continue to place showing your face with this charge hanging over your head. We all need to be careful and this info makes us paranoid that we could be setup. I know this is not likely but being paranoid is not always a bad thing.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Sorry this happen to you Always keep your head up jezz.
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Thank you all for the many many private messages, and the posts in here for your support. I am in no way looking for sympathy .. this was months ago.. and as they say "the show must go on". I have children, bills, and tuition to cover and couldn't afford to just walk away.. just deal different with new callers.

Budman, I understand the "paranoid" thoughts, which is exactly why i didn't come right out when it happened. To avoid my business being damaged. My ads that people are seeing on Backpage.. are reposting themselves.. due to that I paid for that to happen a while ago. If the news story wouldn't have been released then nothing would seem odd about it anyway.

And why i am still working.... and advertising... because One) that is Corpus not SA. Two) I have not been convicted of anything nor will I. I hired an attorney right away.. and it will take 3 months and it will be pulled off of that site due to lack of conviction. Seeing that the evidence wasn't very strong bc I didn't actually agree to any p4p.

But to all the men that feel as though you should be paranoid about me... Don't see me. It won't hurt my feelings... the majority that won't see me now wouldnt have seen me in the first place.... so NO HARM NO FOUL. If you truly believe that there is cause to think that I am not safe... there is plenty of other girls to see... most of which you have no idea if she has or has not been arrested.
uparoundnoon's Avatar
Budman writes

I think what surprises most of us is the ads you continue to place showing your face with this charge hanging over your head. We all need to be careful and this info makes us paranoid that we could be setup. I know this is not likely but being paranoid is not always a bad thing
Are you kidding me? Prostitution is a misdemeanor handled strictly by local LE in their own jurisdiction. Some cities (like Houston) spend lots of time and resources on it. To others it is a mere nuisance. Rhode Island has decriminalized it as long as it's not on the street. I know a girl who got arrested for something here for something and it came up on the SAPD computers she had 2 warrants for arrest in Houston for prostitution. The cops just let her go because that's Houston's problem and this ain't Houston. So if you think this is going to affect this girl in any other place than CC then you also probably think the CIA had Kennedy killed.
Big hugs and kisses lots of different things happen to us providers and it sucks!!! But the perks is there are many hobbiest in here that are nice and good to us! Keep your head up girl usually when something negative happens in your life right around the corner something great happens!!

The best advice in a situation like that or any SAY NADA!!! (although I have never experienced this I read everything in here) Revoke your right to keep quiet let your attorney handle it! Its perfectly legal for someone to pay for your time but thats for your attorney to tell them not you. Even how loud they yell in your face SHHHHH the best power is saying nothing!!
oldtiger's Avatar
SJ you have my sincere sympathy, keep your head up. Looks like you have a sound strategy and should be able to beat the rap.
Uparoundnoon, Rhode Island actually outlawed prostitution about five months ago. But yes it was legal for about 30 years before that.
Budman's Avatar
Budman writes

Are you kidding me? Prostitution is a misdemeanor handled strictly by local LE in their own jurisdiction. Some cities (like Houston) spend lots of time and resources on it. To others it is a mere nuisance. Rhode Island has decriminalized it as long as it's not on the street. I know a girl who got arrested for something here for something and it came up on the SAPD computers she had 2 warrants for arrest in Houston for prostitution. The cops just let her go because that's Houston's problem and this ain't Houston. So if you think this is going to affect this girl in any other place than CC then you also probably think the CIA had Kennedy killed. Originally Posted by uparoundnoon

No I'm not kidding you. I doubt if the CC Vice would be interested in anything in the SA market but that is not to say the SA Vice would not try and flip a provider. I may be a little too cautious but that beats the alternative. I have reveived two calls over the years from vice based on my number being found on a providers phone or note pad. They will follow up and if you are stupid enough to fall into thier trap then you're fucked. Misdemeanor or not it can screw your life up for a period of time and IMO being overly careful is the right course of action.