President Obama's War on Farmers

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just more control going to the government and the large corporations. Thank you, Mr. President.

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-30-2012, 07:08 PM
Being in the horticulture industry, not ag, like these poor folks. I can tell you straight up, farmers, are the hardest working people in this country, and for Obominable and his minions to do this , is treasonous. He has never worked a motherfucking day in his life along with the bastards that directly did this. Watch out folks, they are telling, no ordering, us what we have to buy, trying to tell us what to eat, and now taking what is NOT THEIRS TO TAKE. Looking more and more like the soviet union all the time.... you people who voted this fuck in WILL CHANGE YOUR TUNE WHEN HE TAKES YOUR STUFF, and gives it to someone else... but then it will be too fucking late.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Maybe the big, bad government ought to take the subsidies away from ADM and other mega-conglomerates. Tell us all, again, what percentage of farms are family farms? No fudging, only full-time farms, no other income sources.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They should only get the same breaks as every other business. Personally I think we should do away with all farm subsidies and allow the food prices to rise and fall based on supply and demand. Once we can destroy the ability of farms to make a profit actually a false profit based on getting paid for not producing anything, sort of like the welfare leeches, then we can get all these fat ass welfare queens on food stamps top eat less. We will be able to solve the obesity epidemic in the welfare rolls in less than a year.

Additionally we need to place a federal tax on all farm produced foods since that would be the fairest way of paying for Obamacare. The less healthy people that eat the crap foods in big quantities and get all fat asses would pay more since they obviously have some of the greatest health care needs. This in addition to stopping the subsidies would generate savings in the loss of taxes plus generate new tax revenues. from the food. Tax the corn, then tax the corn syrup, then tax the soda. Tax the wheat then tax the flour then tax the bread.

I cant wait to meet new people while standing in line for my rations.
BigLouie's Avatar
*sigh* here is the rest of the story so to speak.

This law has been on the books a good 12 years at least. I had a conversation with a banker about 12 years ago and he told me of the law then. It was originally intended to combat drug rings and seize their money. As you know create LE all around the country find ways to apply laws in which they were never intended. It is common knowledge that budget strapped LE departments all over the US are using this law to make up short fall. Is this Obama's fault? No, it was going on when Bush was president but you never heard much of it.

This is not about punishing someone, it is about a cash strapped department needing the money to make up funding short-falls and this guy was an easy mark. It would have happened even if CuteOldGuy was president.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-30-2012, 08:47 PM
Come on Louie, common sense dictates what these bastards are doing is flat wrong. It is just plain confiscation, of someones hard earned money... but then there are not many beaurocrats that have any common sense, or for that matter have ever broken a fucking sweat working. Change is comming.... and the free loaders are not going to like it..
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I hate to agree with little louie but it has been around, my oriental customers would pay me in cash, around $10,000 and I had to fill out fill out some form

but the article talks about the government keeping 1/2 of it

but for him
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, BL, I wouldn't allow it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
That is another problem we have, the government intending to do something that causes additional untended consequences all because of lies perpetuated by the government. We spend millions in tax dollars fighting a losing battle against a hyped up load of crap because of political aspirations. Stop the war. Stop the casualties of the war. Stop the waste of our tax dollars.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is more than an attack on farmers, it is an attack on families. Yes, they pulled the rule (for now) but they thought it was a good idea to try. Everyone involved should be out on their ass and never allowed back into government.