My Experience With Sweet.Treat69

Please find attached image of the chat log.

I had an appointment with Savannah today. 6PM. Outcall. After being randomly canceled on the other day she shows up today looking disheveled and with quite a bit of attitude. She comes to my house, parks in the shared alley way of the neighborhood blocking all vehicles, I ask her to move on up a bit and motion into the driveway... Get a ton of attitude from her... Parks her car once again in the center of the street. Very politely ask her again to move into the driveway. With more attitude than a 16 year old girl she complies.

I walk inside for a second and come back out with the donation for her time and simply ask her to leave. I am not interested in having an appointment with someone who acts in such a way.

She shows up looking like she just woke up wearing what can best be described as PJs, with an attitude, then rudely takes off when I offer to pay and very politely ask her to leave.

Now my phone is getting flooded with threatening text messages from her. It wont allow me to attach more than one pic right now. If the rest are needed please let me know.

On a side not, she looks absolutely nothing like what you guys put in your reviews.

Perhaps you should have read the Forum Guidelines before posting private communications.

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Haha no drama or popcorn eating, that will be my only post on the matter.
macbeth1000's Avatar
They all have attitude, bar none...they all have attitudes
Wow really dude? We rescheduled like 2 times last week. I never cancelled on you. We agreed to meet today at 6 at your place. I was on time. I was freshly showered, and no i did not have on PJs. I had on a shirt with white shorts. When I did park in the alley (which is so narrow not even 2 cars can pass each other) i had to get back in and park 3 times to your satisfaction. When I got out the last time i did say, "not sure what to say, I really tried to park it the best I could." You def were NOT polite and nice when you told me to "just leave, get the hell outta here". Like really? LOL. You handed me my donation and i told you I didn't want your money. You obviously aren't aware of the attitude you exude and how you speak to people, and the tone you use. You were a really mean guy about the whole situation, and you wasted my time. i chose to leave the donation with you because I truly didn't need the money, and I somehow felt that you would try to tarnish my name if i had taken it. Surprise surprise you still felt like you had to say your side, which quite honestly is bullshit. I texted after i pulled off. Yes because i was upset. And because you wasted my time and were really rude about the whole thing. And that's my side of the story.
Wow really dude? We rescheduled like 2 times last week. I never cancelled on you. We agreed to meet today at 6 at your place. I was on time. I was freshly showered, and no i did not have on PJs. I had on a shirt with white shorts. When I did park in the alley (which is so narrow not even 2 cars can pass each other) i had to get back in and park 3 times to your satisfaction. When I got out the last time i did say, "not sure what to say, I really tried to park it the best I could." You def were NOT polite and nice when you told me to "just leave, get the hell outta here". Like really? LOL. You handed me my donation and i told you I didn't want your money. You obviously aren't aware of the attitude you exude and how you speak to people, and the tone you use. You were a really mean guy about the whole situation, and you wasted my time. i chose to leave the donation with you because I truly didn't need the money, and I somehow felt that you would try to tarnish my name if i had taken it. Surprise surprise you still felt like you had to say your side, which quite honestly is bullshit. I texted after i pulled off. Yes because i was upset. And because you wasted my time and were really rude about the whole thing. And that's my side of the story. Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
Yes you had to continue to park, as for some reason you thought it was normal to park in the middle of an alley essentially.

Get the hell out of here? Come on. You were treated much better than you deserved (I'm not hiring you to be your friend), when you come to a house and enter through the garage with multiple Ferraris in it you know that person's time is valuable. Conduct yourself accordingly. The few hundred dollars isn't the issue, its my time. Which was absolutely wasted. Hell I'll go burn the 300 if you want just for fun, it isn't about the money once again. Its about a person's time.

For some reasons providers deem it completely appropriate to show up looking terrible, with attitudes and waste someones time... And quite a few of us... Our time is worth a hell of alot more than what you charge a hour.
TexasCowboy's Avatar

You sure seem to be stuck on yourself such as talking down to other individuals....No one cares about the so called multiple Ferraris that you say you have, anyone can say that X is in there house, bank account or garage....That is a piss poor way to impress..

Personally I rather have the money in the bank rather then having to prove my ego by saying that I owned multiple Ferraris for that is just a waste of money and a mid life ego trip......You need to get your head out of the clouds and pop the ego bubble.....

You sure seem to be stuck on yourself such as talking down to other individuals....No one cares about the so called multiple Ferraris that you say you have, anyone can say that X is in there house, bank account or garage....That is a piss poor way to impress..

Personally I rather have the money in the bank rather then having to prove my ego by saying that I owned multiple Ferraris for that is just a waste of money and a mid life ego trip......You need to get your head out of the clouds and pop the ego bubble..... Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
When what the Ferrari costs is what you earn a week it really isn't.... Also if you are leaving it in the bank... that is a much larger issue.

Play white night all you want, about 12,500$ of my time was wasted by a bratty provider. Providers need to get their acts together, in any other career they would be fired for performing on this level.
Wow just wow!
macbeth1000's Avatar
I felt today a provider wasted my time however chuck it up to the hobby game hopefully it could be made up however I wont hold out for it.
I dont think this post should be an alert. Why cant you all settle your issues in private.
Chung Tran's Avatar
it's a little late now, of course, but...

wouldn't it have been prudent to say upfront, that there was a parking issue in the neighborhood, and you could meet her in the yard, to direct her into the garage? seems like a stupid issue to cause this level of excitement..
TexasCowboy's Avatar
This scenario is surrounding the circumstances that you have with the complex you are better then others such as you talking down to individuals for they do not meet your standards. No one is trying to play the WK for there are always two different sides of the story. Instead of thinking that my pecker will get bigger if I go around saying that I have multiple Ferraris, yes it does make me feel better when I go to sleep that I have the money instead of what makes someone act like a p**** in life.

Spending my career in the military was a real eye opener for I did not see individuals acting like a p**** no matter the rank they held for each one knew that they were dependent on the next individual to make it home alive to those that cared about them. Getting on the bandwagon of I am God Almighty and someone cost you money is your own damm fault...

Remember these few words in life and you may not come across and a complete a******.......

It is easier to fine faults with others then to take the time to find the good things about them..

Do you feel superior to those that struggle each day to feed their family, pay their bills, the handicapped or the elderly. Have you ever thought about coming off the high horse and helping out at the Food Bank or Charity.....This just may do you a lot of good....
I really don't care how I come across on a prostitution forum. You are not the only vet on here. It was a point to be made, you walk into a garage with a million in cars in it and you know the person's time is valuable.

I absolutely feel superior, I made something of myself. Now you are talking about donations, can the white night stay on topic? I guarantee I donate more in a month than what you make yearly. Why does this even matter? Do we need to start talking about S corp transfer rules as well?

Can we stay on the topic? Girl comes over, looks like trash, acts like a child, I ask her to leave and even offer to pay her just for coming out. Providers need to get their acts together.

This scenario is surrounding the circumstances that you have with the complex you are better then others such as you talking down to individuals for they do not meet your standards. No one is trying to play the WK for there are always two different sides of the story. Instead of thinking that my pecker will get bigger if I go around saying that I have multiple Ferraris, yes it does make me feel better when I go to sleep that I have the money instead of what makes someone act like a p**** in life.

Spending my career in the military was a real eye opener for I did not see individuals acting like a p**** no matter the rank they held for each one knew that they were dependent on the next individual to make it home alive to those that cared about them. Getting on the bandwagon of I am God Almighty and someone cost you money is your own damm fault...

Remember these few words in life and you may not come across and a complete a******.......

It is easier to fine faults with others then to take the time to find the good things about them..

Do you feel superior to those that struggle each day to feed their family, pay their bills, the handicapped or the elderly. Have you ever thought about coming off the high horse and helping out at the Food Bank or Charity.....This just may do you a lot of good.... Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You sure do have a lot of "no" reviews. (I just had to check!)

Everyone who plays in this demimonde will have some poor experiences. It happens to us all.

But when I read, or notice, someone having bad after bad experience with different ladies, I often wonder if the fault is with the person having the issues with so many different women?

Or perhaps you're a poor judge of who to visit with?

Not sure. I just find it interesting that the majority of the ladies that you've reviewed haven't pleased you.

Finally, I will add that offering to pay her full rate for her time, after asking her to leave, WAS a very gentlemanly thing to do. Too bad that this didn't work out for you.
Haha no drama or popcorn eating, that will be my only post on the matter. Originally Posted by DFWhobby