Have we decided to forgo the rules in favor of hostility?

Has it now become acceptable to hijack threads (Guideline #6) with cases of unprovoked rudeness (Guideline #1) and disrespect of others (Guideline #3) with blatant insults or hostility (Guideline #4)? I thought the moderating staff were supposed to monitor the forums with the goal of threads on topic (Guideline #14). Are these Guidelines not in effect anymore? I understand the need for drama to keep the forums alive, but has it now become SOP to allow certain members to stalk (Guideline # 17) other member’s threads and posts in an attempt to either stir drama or derail a lady/ies business/es ?

Before someone get it in their head that I'm making this all about one or a few person/s, know that I'm not. This is supposed to be a place for ladies to advertise and market themselves. If it has now become the bastion of a few to attack any lady they deem unworthy or competition, then I think now is the time to say so and change the Guidelines to give new ladies the heads up on what to expect should they decide to join ECCIE and allow review here (Guideline #29).

This is the original post in Amy’s thread titled “Would I lose myself over a small detail?”

Friends tell me to go back to my natural hair color, dirty blonde/light brown with a touch of auburn. Would that affect who BA is.Take new pics, all reviews might be considered fake. I'm known for hair color as one of my main features, would it hurt my business? Originally Posted by bustyamy
It asks about her hair color and maintaining her following of clients. It isn’t hostile. It says nothing about her weight or her travels. It says nothing about anything other than her hair color and nothing negative at all.

Of the fifty-eight responses fifty-three were flirty fun and only four were negative. Those four responses are quoted below. They are all negative. They are all off topic. They are all hostile and meant to be blatant insults. They are all unprovoked and rude. And it’s obvious that Luxury Daphne follows BustyAmy’s posts around the board just to insult her which is cyberstalking. So, do we follow the rules or don’t we? And if we don’t, why not?

In the order of appearance:

Well she did go across the border and get surgery because wu called her a whale. So.. Yeah! Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
the timing, the reason behind it, and the subsequent bullshit behind it including the fake Dr profile behind it says otherwise...not on a gettin guys to fuck her basis; they were doing that anyhow/..
after whale wars alot of bitches changed horses midstride..
if you are ok with who you are.. nothing that anyone can say can change that.

like dh says.. you decide when to get on the wheel. but you don't decide when to get off.. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
What no turd jokes today? I disappoint.

No worries baby.. You'll always be my trailer trash wanderlust. �� Don't you ever change for anybody. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
next time keep the dress on tho. Taking it off didn't help your case any. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
EDIT - My PM is starting to blow up with the theme of me defending BustyAmy. I am NOT defending Busty Amy. I am using THIS SPECIFIC example to demonstrate that the guidelines protecting posters and women adverting here from unwanted attacks from other posters aren't being enforced. This has nothing to do with the particular participants and everything to do with maintaining an environment where women can advertise and market and the men can further that marketing by writing reviews. THIS IS ABOUT CYBERBULLYING NOT THESE TWO INDIVIDUALS PERSONALLY.
Wakeup's Avatar
This is supposed to be a place for ladies to advertise and market themselves. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Let us know how this works out for you...
Prime Time's Avatar
Yes. Cock chugging ability is all that matters.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Before someone get it in their head that I'm making this all about one or a few person/s, know that I'm not. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Now, why would anyone thinck that?

Let us know how this works out for you... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Your thoughts aside, this IS a place to place ads, ladies to market themselves through their posts and the guys to post reviews.

Yes. Cock chugging ability is all that matters. Originally Posted by Prime Time
And any woman will do? I don't think so.

EDIT - My PM is starting to blow up with the theme of me defending BustyAmy. I am NOT defending Busty Amy. I am using THIS SPECIFIC example to demonstrate that the guidelines protecting posters and women adverting here from unwanted attacks from other posters aren't being enforced. This has nothing to do with the particular participants and everything to do with maintaining an environment where women can advertise and market and the men can further that marketing by writing reviews. THIS IS ABOUT CYBERBULLYING NOT THESE TWO INDIVIDUALS PERSONALLY.
boardman's Avatar
Oh Good Tebow!!!!

I hear Grumps typing now...
Your thoughts aside, this IS a place to place ads, ladies to market themselves through their posts and the guys to post reviews.

And any woman will do? I don't think so.

EDIT - My PM is starting to blow up with the theme of me defending BustyAmy. I am NOT defending Busty Amy. I am using THIS SPECIFIC example to demonstrate that the guidelines protecting posters and women adverting here from unwanted attacks from other posters aren't being enforced. This has nothing to do with the particular participants and everything to do with maintaining an environment where women can advertise and market and the men can further that marketing by writing reviews. THIS IS ABOUT CYBERBULLYING NOT THESE TWO INDIVIDUALS PERSONALLY. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I agree with you and its a good reminder that this is a hobby for the guys whereas it's your livelihood and way of survival. Most of the consistent antagonists likely wouldn't dare talk the shit they do to people's face so they come here to vent, posture, or pretend they're some kind of better than thou badass. It's all a facade and they'd likely cower in the face of real drama. Online bullying is a safe haven for those who likely couldn't punch their way out of a brown paper bag. Lol I totally digress. Sorry.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-26-2014, 09:06 AM
Before someone get it in their head that I'm making this all about one or a few person/s, know that I'm not Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
And you expect us to believe that?
And you expect us to believe that? Originally Posted by Trey
Sure, why not? This is just the latest example of many. It's of little consequence anyway. The merits don't change regardless of the motive and questions to derail the core issue. We either have forum guidelines and moderation of those guidelines or we don't n'est pas?
Wakeup's Avatar
So do you know if any of those supposed violations were punished or not?
SpiceItUp's Avatar
There is a mechanism in place for reporting rules violations, it's via the RTM triangle at the bottom left of the post not via a coed discussion thread.

If you have a problem with the moderation, or in this case lack of it according to you, there is a mechanism in place for voicing those concerns as well.

I wonder what you hope to gain here...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-26-2014, 10:19 AM

I wonder what you hope to gain here... Originally Posted by SpiceItUp

There is a mechanism in place for reporting rules violations, it's via the RTM triangle at the bottom left of the post not via a coed discussion thread.

If you have a problem with the moderation, or in this case lack of it according to you, there is a mechanism in place for voicing those concerns as well.

... Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
That does not generate....wait, I know this will be a shocker

the desired attention!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-26-2014, 10:26 AM
Sure, why not? This is just the latest example of many. It's of little consequence anyway. The merits don't change regardless of the motive and questions to derail the core issue. We either have forum guidelines and moderation of those guidelines or we don't n'est pas? Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
What would you like to see happen? I tell you what you can RTM my post I will tell you what happens.
  • romab
  • 06-26-2014, 10:30 AM
Not a fan of OH at all but the deeper point of behavior hiding behind the keyboard is valid. The click that knows all compared to the unwashed masses eventually find no one around aside from themselves. R
Have we decided to forgo the rules in favor of hostility? Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
No, we haven't...

So do you know if any of those supposed violations were punished or not? Originally Posted by Wakeup
Unless Daphne has been so kind to give her a screen shot of her latest infractions, I would say no...