Questionable tactics

Curious how much longer this pity party is going to be allowed to persist. Forum members requesting free sessions because they're broke, ugly and overweight?
Toothless86's Avatar
I'm curious how my post effects you at all ? You don't know my situation or anything I'm going through so why should you be able to judge me at all ?
Your posts effect me in no way. However, this forum was initiated for members to provide and receive services for compensation. Compensation directly means payment. If you are not able to provide any compensation for requested services, you don't belong on here, period.

You're asking women to feel sorry for you, hoping to give you a free pass. May I suggest you stop? It's not only pathetic but also a violation of forum rules.

Providers get compensated. End of story.
I am going to have to agree with Guitar. My suggestion is to forget about sex with a woman for a bit. Focus on your situation and get your life together. While doing so over the next year or so, have threesomes while watching porn with you, your cock, and your hand. Once you get your life headed in the right direction financial, then revisit spending time with these wonderful playmates.

If you would spend a year or two concentrating/focusing on your life by gaining finances and getting in better shape, the following years after that will be awesome if you maintain what you have just gained financially and health wise.

However, if you continue in the "woe is me" crap looking for free sex from women who feel sorry for you then get off Eccie.