A Wolf in The Fold

I strongly believe there is a single pimp operating at least three provider handles here. All posts and all PMs are not from the providers, but the pimp. Actually there are four providers, but one of them hasn't been active since last summer.

Eccie staff isn't particularly happy about my activities to date in calling this out, but that's unsurprising because this is a very pimp-friendly place. You might be surprised, as I was, to learn that it's perfectly okay for a provider to have a "helper" (euphemistically named in my opinion) to operate their account:

"Some verified providers may have a "helper" This is defined as someone who you are allowing to access your account to post your ad on a weekly basis. This is fine at ECCIE Worldwide, however we do require that you request approval from staff prior to allowing someone this access. This will be approved on a case-by-case basis. In any case where you request a male member to assist you with your ad, conditional approval may be given and your settings/usergroup adjusted to disable access to the female-only forums. This is especially important, since you would be placing your account access in jeopardy by allowing another party to access your account without prior staff approval."

The stated purpose is explicitly to allow a helper to post ads, not to allow a pimp to masquerade as a provider, posting (other than ads) and PMing on her behalf because she doesn't even have access to her own account. But in reality that's exactly what is happening. Of course it's on the honor system to report that someone is a male helper, in order to limit access to the female-only areas. I'm sure you can imagine how well that would work, in reality. Note that there is no requirement for a "helper" to be disclosed to anyone but eccie staff.

It's not supposed to be OK for any person to operate more than one account, but as I mentioned, this pimp operates three handles that have posted in the last few days, and one that has been dormant for a long time. As long as the pimp is careful to circumvent the laughably weak mechanism in place to detect multiple users logging in on the same device, he has nothing to worry about, especially because eccie staff aren't exactly interested in stopping it. This pimp actually did get banned for multiple accounts at one point last year, but has apparently wised up since then and figured out how to beat the system. As long as eccie staff can say they've completed their "investigation" if complaints arise they are covered, and whatever happens, happens.

So, that leaves us to protect each other - clients and providers - by sharing information. That's what this place is supposed to be all about. You know: Escort Client Community Information Exchange. I don't see a "P" in there anywhere, so I don't especially give a fuck if Eccie staff doesn't like what I'm doing as long as I'm not breaking any of their rules to do it, and I don't think I am, after careful reading and re-reading of the guidelines. But who knows. It has become clear to me that the rules here are selectively enforced based on staff's personal opinion of the violator, so maybe I could get sanctioned or banned for this somehow. It's not the end of the world if I do. I have been before. It wouldn't affect my hobbying much, although this place will be a lot less active, lol. Several other people will have access to the information I'm going to provide and will be able to get it to you if you want it if I'm not around for a while.

Why should you care? Here are some reasons. There are likely more that I haven't thought of.
  • You're a client who doesn't want to support the abuse, coercion, intimidation, and harassment of providers.
  • You're a client who wants to deal only with the provider you're going to be seeing, not a middleman, whether for security reasons or just the general creepiness factor.
  • You're a client who doesn't wish to be under audio surveillance by a pimp during your sessions with a provider (yes, this happens)
  • You're a client who doesn't want your personal screening information in the hands of a pimp that may later use it against you if it benefits him in some way.
  • You're a provider who wants to be exchanging references with the provider who actually saw the client you're screening and not her pimp who wasn't in the room (though he was listening...).
  • You're a provider who doesn't like the idea of a male pimp reading what you post in the ladies' private areas.
I want to be clear about something. I don't really care who anyone gives their money to. Boyfriend, SO, even pimp. I'm not out to get all of them. But I believe the men and women of this board should have the right to know who they are really dealing with, and make informed decisions based on that. Eccie staff won't help. Our only resource is each other.

I'll almost certainly be accused of trying to start drama for this. A couple of things about that:


2. If that's the price to me for trying to help people, I'll take it. I'm sure some will consider it quixotic, self righteous, etc. But I'd prefer to not see another hobbyist terrified because they realize they've handed over their personal information to a pimp who might ruin their life with it if they displease him, or another provider at her wits end because of endless real life intimidation tactics with the aim of driving her off eccie and out of the business. Maybe this will help, maybe not. It beats doing nothing. At least I think it does. I'm sure there will be those that disagree.

What I'm offering: Via PM, the handles of the providers being operated by this pimp along with supporting documentation about why I believe this to be the case.

What I'm not offering:
Personal information on anyone.

PM me if you want the information. I haven't finished compiling it all yet as it's rather slow and tedious work to find all the links, write the explanations, etc. I'm posting this now to try to put some pressure on myself to get it done before the end of the weekend because I'll be away on vacation next week.

I want to challenge you with something though: Don't believe me. Look at what I will send you. Critically evaluate it with your own eyes. Think. Look around and do some of your own research too. Reach your own conclusion. I'll just be telling you what I think. You'll have to decide if you believe it to be true.

Boring stuff no one should read:

"wolf in the fold" is part of a line from a poem by Lord Byron: "The Destruction of Sennacherib"

A "fold" in this context is an outdoor enclosure for sheep - where one would expect no wolves to be present, but they can do a lot of damage if they do get in.

It's related to the saying "a wolf in sheep's clothing".

There is also an episode of the original Star Trek Series called "Wolf in the Fold". It's about a malevolent entity lurking among normal people. Rather apt for this purpose.
In the opening of Inferno Dante meets three beasts as he is trying to escape the dark forest: a leopard, which represents lust; a lion, which represents pride; and a wolf, which represents avarice, or extreme greed for wealth and/or material gain. Rather fitting, huh?

Thought it might be interesting.
In the opening of Inferno Dante meets three beasts as he is trying to escape the dark forest: a leopard, which represents lust; a lion, which represents pride; and a wolf, which represents avarice, or extreme greed for wealth and/or material gain. Rather fitting, huh?

Thought it might be interesting. Originally Posted by JdeHog
Quite remarkably fitting, yes!
Lol..I gave this 5 stars myself when I posted it just to see what would happen and it's already down to 3. It would appear a certain pimp doesn't like it. Good.
  • Sandy
  • 03-16-2018, 11:41 PM
I could care less they are here. 1 star.
And if I'm not wrong, They do bring in some young spicy girls to the party.
Let them stay, we are all adults here, even the girls that use management are adults and it is none of our business.
Who are you to dictate who stays and goes?
I could care less they are here. 1 star.
And if I'm not wrong, They do bring in some young spicy girls to the party.
Let them stay, we are all adults here, even the girls that use management are adults and it is none of our business.
Who are you to dictate who stays and goes? Originally Posted by Sandy
The amount of PMs I've already gotten says a lot DO care, even if you don't. Who are you to say they shouldn't know what they are getting themselves into?

You're defending someone who beats up women, has attempted to ruin the life of someone who tried to leave him, and spies on clients in session. The fact that you're just fine with that says more about you than I ever could.

Anyway, what's it to you? Didn't you retire 5 months ago?
The amount of PMs I've already gotten says a lot DO care, even if you don't. Who are you to say they shouldn't know what they are getting themselves into?

You're defending someone who beats up women, has attempted to ruin the life of someone who tried to leave him, and spies on clients in session. The fact that you're just fine with that says more about you than I ever could.

Anyway, what's it to you? Didn't you retire 5 months ago? Originally Posted by SpankyJ
It’s good to hear that hobbyists do care. Hopefully they will show it by choosing their professional companions with a social conscience.

Pimps are despicable, ruthless people. I do everything I can to avoid facilitating their success in the hobby.
  • Sandy
  • 03-17-2018, 01:17 AM
Pimps are despicable, ruthless people. I do everything I can to avoid facilitating their success in the hobby. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
People would say the same thing about YOU as a prostitute and your pimp Spanky
People would say the same thing about YOU as a prostitute and your pimp Spanky Originally Posted by Sandy
What a ridiculous accusation. Spanky is probably the most active client in NWA, if not the entire Arkansas forum. Pimps don’t pay ladies, sweetheart. They take their money.
People would say the same thing about YOU as a prostitute and your pimp Spanky Originally Posted by Sandy
Laughable and idiotic, Grandma Smurf. Yes, such a pimp I am. Of course, that makes perfect sense.
  • Sandy
  • 03-17-2018, 01:54 AM
Anyway, what's it to you? Didn't you retire 5 months ago? Originally Posted by SpankyJ
With your help I'm sure., You belittle girls YOU don't like and clamed some are pimped or being the pimp themselves.
You didn't like me saying I'm to old and you go after BBWDianna calling her names.

Just who is being pimped and who are the pimps?, you said you had proof so ether put up or shut up.

If you think a girl is being pimped you know the no. for 911.
Quit trying to run girls off that YOU and your Queen doesn't like.

Anyway, what's it to you? Didn't you retire 5 months ago? Originally Posted by SpankyJ
You and Ginger don't know how to count 37 plus 9 years = 47
With your help I'm sure., You belittle girls YOU don't like and clamed some are pimped or being the pimp themselves.
You didn't like me saying I'm to old and you go after BBWDianna calling her names.

Just who is being pimped and who are the pimps?, you said you had proof so ether put up or shut up.

If you think a girl is being pimped you know the no. for 911.
Quit trying to run girls off that YOU and your Queen doesn't like.

You and Ginger don't know how to count 37 plus 9 years = 47 Originally Posted by Sandy
According to the math I was taught in elementary school, 37 + 9 = 46, genius (and still not accurate).

Learn to write a coherent sentence and perhaps I'll make an effort to respond to it fully.

BTW "BBWDianna" (I think you mean BBWDeAnna) has an entire thread dedicated to insulting me, in case you didn't notice, not to mention having nothing to do with this so I'm going to have to say this is a thread hijack attempt.
  • Sandy
  • 03-17-2018, 02:09 AM
Laughable and idiotic, Grandma Smurf. Yes, such a pimp I am. Of course, that makes perfect sense. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Yes you are the Pimp of this board., You push the girls you like and belittle the others YOU wouldn't fuck.
And in being such a good Pimp you might even be getting extra services. Who knows?
Pimping ain't easy, but you make it look so~
You and Ginger don't know how to count
37 plus 9 years = 47
Originally Posted by Sandy
Sweetheart, are you just trying to make yourself look stupid? 37 + 9 = 46. Either way, I was 36 when I started the hobby and I’m now 45. I’m not the one lying about my age, “Ms. Over 40.” You’re either lying, or you misspelled 60.

Obviously Spanky is a client of mine. And you don’t like either one of us. Not really sure how Deanna plays into all of this, but ok. None of those things make him a pimp. Please quit derailing the thread. You are totally off-topic.
  • Sandy
  • 03-17-2018, 02:12 AM
Not to mention having nothing to do with this so I'm going to have to say this is a thread hijack attempt. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Ring that bell you do it so well, and yes I was on subject.