Details emerging on plans to make America "great" again

Munchmasterman's Avatar
From the people who don't believe in climate change.

A bill to recognize magic as a "rare and valuable art form and national treasure" was introduced into the House of Representatives Tuesday.
The bill claims that magic "has not been properly recognized as a great American art form, nor has it been accorded the institutional status on a national level commensurate with its value and importance." The text of the House Resolution states that magic is "an art form with the unique power and potential to impact the lives of all people," adding that "magicians are visual storytellers who seamlessly interweave elements of mystery, wonder, emotion, and expression." The bill also praises the influence magic has had on art, cinema, technology, and education.
In addition to recognition, the resolution also calls for "efforts to make certain that magic is preserved, understood, and promulgated."
Representative Pete Sessions (R-TX) introduced HR 642. Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH), Rep. Pat Meehan (R-PA), Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY), Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA), Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), and Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) are co-sponsors. It has been referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
A spokesperson from Sessions' office told ABC News that the congressman's constituency is home to a "robust magic community" and the issue was brought to his attention by a constituent, Eric Hogue, the mayor of Wylie, Texas. Hogue, a former magician, thought it was important to have magic declared an art. He is recognized in the text of the resolution for his efforts to "promote the art of magic with official proclamations, summer educational programs, and the first festival dedicated to the art of magic in the State of Texas."
I think it could be an art.

However, my fear of labeling it so is that it might give it some kind of first amendment protections that would enable people using "magic" to rip other people off and get away with it.

But strictly as entertainment, I can see it being an art form.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Sort of like that magic Obama............
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where is the shaggy dog Munchkin? Bills like this are forwarded all the time. Stage Magic is an art form....not magic is real. Find an adult and have them explain it to you.
  • DSK
  • 03-18-2016, 02:09 PM
From the people who don't believe in climate change.

A bill to recognize magic as a "rare and valuable art form and national treasure" was introduced into the House of Representatives Tuesday.
The bill claims that magic "has not been properly recognized as a great American art form, nor has it been accorded the institutional status on a national level commensurate with its value and importance." The text of the House Resolution states that magic is "an art form with the unique power and potential to impact the lives of all people," adding that "magicians are visual storytellers who seamlessly interweave elements of mystery, wonder, emotion, and expression." The bill also praises the influence magic has had on art, cinema, technology, and education.
In addition to recognition, the resolution also calls for "efforts to make certain that magic is preserved, understood, and promulgated."
Representative Pete Sessions (R-TX) introduced HR 642. Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH), Rep. Pat Meehan (R-PA), Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY), Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA), Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), and Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) are co-sponsors. It has been referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
A spokesperson from Sessions' office told ABC News that the congressman's constituency is home to a "robust magic community" and the issue was brought to his attention by a constituent, Eric Hogue, the mayor of Wylie, Texas. Hogue, a former magician, thought it was important to have magic declared an art. He is recognized in the text of the resolution for his efforts to "promote the art of magic with official proclamations, summer educational programs, and the first festival dedicated to the art of magic in the State of Texas." Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Obama used magic to convince people he was qualified to be President, when he wasn't, though he did grow into the job, albeit a completely partisan one who has helped make America not great.
I assume we are talking about "slight of hand and illusion".

If you have ever been to a professional magician show, you know it is truly an art form.

But you have to realize that they do no actually saw the woman in half.
  • DSK
  • 03-18-2016, 05:07 PM
I assume we are talking about "slight of hand and illusion".

If you have ever been to a professional magician show, you know it is truly an art form.

But you have to realize that they do no actually saw the woman in half. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Assup (aka asswipe) likes to fuck the fat girls so he has no idea how skinny girls squeeze into those small spaces (hidden chambers) to help create the illusion.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Where is the shaggy dog Munchkin? Bills like this are forwarded all the time. Stage Magic is an art form....not magic is real. Find an adult and have them explain it to you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
An adult like you? That's a good one. There is one thing you're qualified to explain. But you don't respond to direct questions.

Since you don't qualify to explain this to me, fuck off
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I assume we are talking about "slight of hand and illusion".

If you have ever been to a professional magician show, you know it is truly an art form.

But you have to realize that they do no actually saw the woman in half. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not any more they don't..
I assume we are talking about "slight of hand and illusion".

If you have ever been to a professional magician show, you know it is truly an art form.

But you have to realize that they do no actually saw the woman in half. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Wanting to make Trump disappear?
Wanting to make Trump disappear? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
YOU like to make dingle berries disappear EKIM ! And only use YOUR one tooth to do so !
YOU like to make dingle berries disappear EKIM ! And only use YOUR one tooth to do so ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

Did you try to say something woomby?
Munkin Marxist Magic...

D) After World War I, two leading Marxist intellectuals, Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg Lukacs in Hungary, both concluded, independently of one another, that Western culture and the Christian religion had so blinded the working class to its true, Marxist class interests, that a Communist revolution would be impossible to carry out in the West without first destroying both of those institutions. Gramsci laid out a strategy for destroying Christianity and Western culture by conducting, in an orderly fashion, a "long march through the institutions" – where Marxists would infiltrate the schools, the media, the churches, the labor unions, the major political parties – i.e., every institution that could influence the culture. This process would sabotage American society from the inside, and would require decades to fully unfold. Lukacs, for his part, proposed the use of "cultural terrorism" to destroy his own country's traditional sexual morals – and thereby contribute mightily to the downfall of its traditional culture and Christian faith.

In the 1920s, a wealthy young Marxist named Felix Weil was influenced by Lukacs' ideas. Weil responded by establishing a new think tank at Frankfurt University in Germany. Originally it was to be called the Institute for Marxism, but its founders convinced Weil to give it a more neutral-sounding name, so as to conceal its true objectives and thereby increase its effectiveness. Thus was born the Institute for Social Research, also known simply as the Frankfurt School.

In 1934 the Institute for Social Research relocated to the U.S., where it was instrumental in the development of “Critical Theory” as a means of "negating" Western culture. Critical Theory was a method that called for subjecting every traditional institution -- the family, the schools, the churches, the criminal-justice system, the media, the economy, the political system -- to a bombardment of unremitting, scathing criticism. The ultimate aim was to cause those institutions to collapse under the weight of this criticism, rendering them vulnerable to exploitation and transformation by the Marxists. In recent decades, Critical Theory has become the basis for the various "Studies" departments -- Women's Studies, Black Studies, Whiteness Studies, Chicano Studies -- that now inhabit American colleges and universities.

Part D is adapted from "Who Stole Our Culture?," by William S. Lind
(May 24, 2007).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Congress has nothing better to do? They need to stop all this crap. I agree with you, Munchie.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
An adult like you? That's a good one. There is one thing you're qualified to explain. But you don't respond to direct questions.

Since you don't qualify to explain this to me, fuck off
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Ahhhh, I must have hurt your feelings....since you lack the brains to be offended.