First Contact and One Liners --- The Chance of an Appointment

I just have to say it ... because I've had a barrage of *ONE LINER* initial contacts that make me want to pull my hair out.

Dudes - when I get an initial contact that says:
  • I think I love you ... can we meet?
  • Hi .. I'm Bob
  • Hi Torre
  • Do you do greek?
  • Wow!
  • Please call me at 888-888-8888
  • Hey gorgeous, lets make some music together

It is not that I DO not APPRECIATE the interest, but when I have 10 prospects to choose from in one day ...
the one who actually thought out their message and wrote it in complete sentences AND it is one whole paragraph or more, are LIKELY to get a rapid response and a favorable attempt to actually book an appointment.

I know there are other girls who feel the same way.

So guys .... why do you send one liners?
Is it not worth the time to send a cognizant and congenial request that says more than "when can we fuck"?
Yes ... I got that one too

First impressions CAN be the beginning of a great time ...
FunInDFW's Avatar
Pretty sure I have a pm from you that's just says "let's fuck" as the title with winky-faces for text. Only to have you not reply further and call it bait. Maybe you should take your own advice?
Shut your PIE HOLE fidw

You took the bait ... it was a facetious message (joking, frivolous, ironic).. funny you didn't get that.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Maybe the same can be said about the ones you're getting? Or maybe guys see you have a cunty attitude, and don't feel the need to give you much more respect than a one liner since you seem to put out that type of vibe? Again, maybe you should take your own advice.

Also, hard to tell tone through text. So ya know, maybe they're just being facetious as well, thinking you'll play along instead of reacting like Cunty McCuntface.
whaaa whaaa whaaa ..

I've already had plenty of PM's apologizing for you and your juvinile self, stating that you do not represent what most of the hobbyist are about ...(and yes, they wrote more than two paragraphs)
so ... get over yourself

Let's move on with the subject at hand.

And oh ... BTW ... one liner for you FIDO (oh...fidfw)

Thanks for getting my thread started !
Muuuuahh .. !
FunInDFW's Avatar
Whatever I can do to facilitate the needs for others. Whether it be education on using words properly due to old-timers, opening the door for one's business, or opening vaginas for penii, all good.

Though, if someone calls me juvenile, what does that make someone that engages me on, or below my level, such as yourself? /headscratch
You are absolutely right.

Although, it does get under my skin when the first reply to my threads are you or one other bashing me (I'm sure this is what you are trying to accomplish).

But .. no worries.

I will ignore your posts going forward

They are amusing ... but not conducive to what the thread is about. So I step aside
LovingKayla's Avatar
All this glorious banter aside, I agree with Torre completely on the subject matter. Out of 10 emails, 2 of them are worth replying. With the one liners, it's a 98% chance it's a time waster. They more than likely sent that same message to 30 girls and are seeing which ones are desperate or just don't know enough about the business to ignore them. Don't come back and say we are ignoring business. That is actually the exact opposite of what we are doing here. You guys that are thoughtful and take the time to actually write an email almost always turn into great friends.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-08-2017, 10:26 AM
I just have to say it ... because I've had a barrage of *ONE LINER* initial contacts that make me want to pull my hair out.

Dudes - when I get an initial contact that says:
  • I think I love you ... can we meet?
  • Hi .. I'm Bob
  • Hi Torre
  • Do you do greek?
  • Wow!
  • Please call me at 888-888-8888
  • Hey gorgeous, lets make some music together
It is not that I DO not APPRECIATE the interest, but when I have 10 prospects to choose from in one day ...
the one who actually thought out their message and wrote it in complete sentences AND it is one whole paragraph or more, are LIKELY to get a rapid response and a favorable attempt to actually book an appointment.

I know there are other girls who feel the same way.

So guys .... why do you send one liners?
Is it not worth the time to send a cognizant and congenial request that says more than "when can we fuck"?
Yes ... I got that one too

First impressions CAN be the beginning of a great time ... Originally Posted by Torre Tames
I tend to keep my initial contact short and sweet. For example:
Hi Secret Baby! I've been noticing you on here for a long time and I've been interested in meeting you. I have a couple of questions to ask once my screening is completed. I've been on here for a really long time with lots of reviews and I can provide you with my P411 info if you would like that also. Hope to hear back from you!!

Then if there is a reply I take it from there. I don't go into great detail on the initial contact though; I'll wait for a reply of interest.

I can't imagine sending a pm to somebody that just says "hey I want a bj"
FunInDFW's Avatar
As for being the first reply, you seem to have impeccable thread timing with my bowel movements. Scary, actually. After that, it's just all downhill from there with seeing what you'll do to yourself next.

I will ignore your posts going forward Originally Posted by Torre Tames
You say that every time; but you won't.
...With the one liners, it's a 98% chance it's a time waster.
They more than likely sent that same message to 30 girls and are seeing which ones are desperate or just don't know enough about the business to ignore them....

You guys that are thoughtful and take the time to actually write an email almost always turn into great friends. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Yay! +1 +1

I tend to keep my initial contact short and sweet. For example:
Hi Secret Baby! I've been noticing you on here for a long time and I've been interested in meeting you. I have a couple of questions to ask once my screening is completed. I've been on here for a really long time with lots of reviews and I can provide you with my P411 info if you would like that also. Hope to hear back from you!!

Then if there is a reply I take it from there. I don't go into great detail on the initial contact though; I'll wait for a reply of interest.

I can't imagine sending a pm to somebody that just says "hey I want a bj" Originally Posted by L.A.
LA - Now THAT is INTRIGUING ! Love it!
I just have to say it ... because I've had a barrage of *ONE LINER* initial contacts that make me want to pull my hair out.

Dudes - when I get an initial contact that says:
  • I think I love you ... can we meet?
  • Hi .. I'm Bob
  • Hi Torre
  • Do you do greek?
  • Wow!
  • Please call me at 888-888-8888
  • Hey gorgeous, lets make some music together

It is not that I DO not APPRECIATE the interest, but when I have 10 prospects to choose from in one day ...
the one who actually thought out their message and wrote it in complete sentences AND it is one whole paragraph or more, are LIKELY to get a rapid response and a favorable attempt to actually book an appointment.

I know there are other girls who feel the same way.

So guys .... why do you send one liners?
Is it not worth the time to send a cognizant and congenial request that says more than "when can we fuck"?
Yes ... I got that one too

First impressions CAN be the beginning of a great time ... Originally Posted by Torre Tames
It's a two way street. I always take the time to write 6 or 8 sentences, introducing and describing myself, maybe commenting on what piqued my interest, inquiring about the general location, availability etc. (Unless it's a lady I have a solid rapport with, where we can mutually send one liners without offending...) Not too long, not too short...just enough.

You'd be shocked at the number one one line, cold responses a gent might receive. That's a deal killer because for me, it means one of a few things; the lady is so booked she's too busy boinking to write a courteous albeit brief reply, the lady just doesn't give a rats ass about the vibe she sends back or care about meeting, or the lady just can't string a few coherent sentences together.

In any case, it's an immediate no go for me...
[I]It's a two way street....

You'd be shocked at the number one one line, cold responses a gent might receive. ....
the lady just doesn't give a rats ass about the vibe she sends back or care about meeting, or the lady just can't string a few coherent sentences together.

In any case, it's an immediate no go for me... Originally Posted by Billy Babitt
That's a good point Billy B. - and I guess it proves the importance of screening ... on both sides.
You can get a good impression of what is in store .. when the red flag comes up ... which is an insensitive response.

It is a well known fact, we DECIDE to take the chance and spend time communicating (texting, talking and such) ... and then for the John or Provider cancel at the last moment is a heartbreaker.

Sometimes, that means us gals paying for the hotel room, prepping for the appointment and then BAM! We are all the sudden OUT ... $75 for the room and counting on the appointment to help pay for it.
Looking back ... if I did enough research .. those guys were the ONE LINERS in the beginning. UUUUUgh!
FemiLove's Avatar
I agree with Torre also. Just sending a one liner ONLY is a waste of everyone's time. I like one liners AND some dirty talk to show you know I am a freaky slut whore AND your complete screening info(if you are P411 please send a separate P411 PM with eccie handle) AND when you might want to fuck me AND how long you want to fuck for. That allows me to give you immediate attention. Also, please don't text one liners either as I will ignore them if I dont know you. Texting is just to set up and NOT CHAT. I don't think any providers can text and chat with lots of guys at the same time. Guys, be sensible!!! I really dont think any providers have time to chat back and forth by text!!!!!!!
I agree with Torre also. Just sending a one liner ONLY is a waste of everyone's time. I like one liners AND some dirty talk to show you know I am a freaky slut whore AND your complete screening info(if you are P411 please send a separate P411 PM with eccie handle) AND when you might want to fuck me AND how long you want to fuck for...

I really dont think any providers have time to chat back and forth by text!!!!!!! Originally Posted by FemiLove
Femi - Giiiirrrrl! You Rock...

I was almost afraid to see what you would post because you are the MEDUSA of Eccie

Dangerous, Sexy, Beautiful and Savvy as Hell.

Never know what will come from you ... and your straight forward self.

Thanks for your input - I'm with all that you said in a big way.