Website Delight?

Caitlyn's Avatar
Hey there guys! It's a Hot mother F'er out there! Hope everyone is staying Coooool.

I was wondering, if a providers website attracts you more, Vs. an ad, or a review?

Which Providers have the most Kick ass websites??

I belleve a website is more defining than an ad...what say you?
cheatercheater's Avatar
I wouldn't know where to find her website unless I had seen her ad or a review first. The first attraction for me would be either the ad or the review. Research would then lead me to your website. I do believe the website gives me a more in depth look at the provider in both looks and personality.
I would say the substance over style when it comes to a woman's website. The more pics and info I can get, the better informed I feel moving forward. Little extra touches are nice, but they rarely sway my decision.

And also, please, ladies, NO FLASH! I doubt I'm the only guy who surfs here primarily on his iPhone, and it's frustrating to click on a girl's website and not be able to bring it or her pics up.
The Dark Passenger's Avatar
I agree with TheBizz. Avoid using Flash on your website.

Obviously the goal of any website is to increase your exposure. Using Flash will only limit your exposure, especially in a world where more and more of us rely on mobile devices to surf the web.

Which brings me to the most important point: Make sure your website is mobile friendly.
luv2luv's Avatar
I have to say: I lke sites where the lady has posted a video. Doesn't have to be explicit, but it certainly gives me a MUCH better idea of what the lady looks like.
StJames's Avatar
Need an ad to know about the web site and considering the restrictions being placed on ads everywhere a web site can give all the details that the ad site doesnt allow. Avoid Flash, its buggy even on Droid phones and no guy wants to explain to the wife why he needs to take the laptop on his aleged fishing trip.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I very rarely go to the provider's website, unless I'm directed there to look at special rates, or if she doesn't have many pictures on her showcase here or on p411.

Other than that, I go through her ad here, her showcase, her p411, and her reviews here to decide if I want to see her.
If it is a provider like yourself that only offers massages, a website would not matter at all. However, for a FS provider, I like a nice, neat website, with plenty of pictures, including boob shots and beaver shots. If a provider puts up an explicit video, it is a homerun.
Wheretonow's Avatar
A website can be a great addition to a person's marketing plan, but there are some things to keep in mind, such as a website should be:
1. Informative
2. Current
3. Easy to navigate

As several have mentioned, Flash sites can't be navigated from an iPhone. There are links on many sites that were never populated (Calendars, etc.). If you don't intend (or need) to use them, they should be removed. And please keep current information on your website.
thinks2much's Avatar
I always go to the website for a lady I'm interested in learning more about. Typically it has a lot more information than the ad- more importantly- surrounding etiquette and expectations. Also, right or wrong, it helps me to decide if the lady is a professional, knows what she is doing, and isn't a flake. You can tell a lot about someone through their website.

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-06-2011, 11:19 AM
I know I am not a guy but, I have a website and I really don't use it to much anymore simply because our showcase/profile or P411 does the exact same thing plus the guy MODS up load our reviews for us.....and I believe it is much faster and easier for the guys to find since it is located right below our avatar.. It is just a click away...
TheWanderer's Avatar
I always visit the web-site and I hope that it has even more info about the lady with additional pictures. A good tasteful video is a plus.
hookem69horns's Avatar
To me ... ad's get my attention, and websites seem to say more about the Provider (ie did she put alot of thought in to the website design? details?). I think, in a way, websites seem to create a separation between Providers, on all levels.

Of course, Evil Lil Bitch's website is rocking!
mansfield's Avatar
I use Showcase here and P411. Only go to the providers direct site if I am on the rate scavenger hunt.
shortguy's Avatar
I usually just do a quick comb-over of their website after I've seen their showcase here & it's usually just to find out where their incall's located, what their rates look like, & what services they provide, maybe a quick browse through their pics if they have any.

I'm not really looking for bells & whistles, just info & crossing my fingers that the website looks current & updated & not a ghost town with their rates from the 1990's.