Free photo to ladies in the DFW area

Amateur photographer offering free photo sessions and pics to ladies in the DFW area. Absolutely free, no money or barter for anything. I do this just to gain experience and further my skills as a photographer and add to my portfolio for maybe one day turning pro. I have a few DFW based references. Note that I am not a pro and do not have a studio, I'm just a very skilled amateur and do not even try to compete with the pros. If you are wanting professionsl studio quality photo then you need to go to a pro and pay their rates. But if you want some quality amateur but still very good quality photos for FREE then send me an email or message back here. I can send you some examples of my work. No kidding, free and no barter for services exchange. Email me at
roscoe5187 at
Roscoe I'm interested
I am weekend Galleria area work for you?
can i see some piks you have