SW vs. Provider vs. Escort vs. Courtesan - And pondering the recommendation system?

There has been something bothering me for quite some time. When it comes down to a yes/no recommendation when doing a review, sometimes a "yes" recommendation provides too little flexibility, IMHO. I do not have any current "no" recommendations, but I believe I did on the old board.

I have always been hesitant to give a "no" recommendation, for a variety of reasons. Drama ensues, but even deeper than that, I believe it is the quintessential insult.

To me, there is very little sex which is actually bad sex. Various ladies provide a variety of experiences, which is reflected in the thread title. For me, "no" recommendations are reserved for absolutely negative experiences. If I say "no" that sort of means, "I would never have sex again with this person under any circumstances--not even with YOUR dick--much less for money."

That is necessarily harsh--which is why I seldom do it. Other considerations aside--the ladies are human beings with feelings, and I am cognizant of the fact the have a very difficult job in meeting many of the clients they encounter, and it IS THEIR LIVELIHOOD.

Then again, there are some non-GFE providers who I have met who I feel like I might not have had a great or even good experience, with whom I might repeat if the circumstances were right. Say, for example, she agreed to meet me for a discounted rate or was running a special which might be enticing.

There are others with whom the experience is good, but not great. But the same logic applies. Plain vanilla experience--but got what I was looking for.

Still others are worth their weight in gold, and a simple "yes" recommendation seems not to suffice. A kind of "this woman is worth every penny and should in fact charge more, and I would gladly pay it if I had it" experience (yes I know better than to say that out loud).

I know that many of these things can be and are threshed out in the BCD comments, but my issue is with the bottom line "yes/no" recommendation. At times, it seems too simplistic, and I wonder if others out there have the same occasional angst?

The problem is, you really have to do a TON TON of research to figure out a particular reviewer's style in order to properly evaluate their experience and understand when/if a reviewer might actually be damning a provider with faint praise.

What goes into others' considerations in choosing a "yes/no" recommendation? If there were some common basis, maybe then a "no" would not be such a big deal as it currently?

69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 12-08-2011, 08:53 PM
A great many around here seem to hold a great deal of disdain for any sort of "rating" system on the reviews, yet they have the absolute worst part of any rating system implemented, a "Yes" or "No" recommendation.

I find it a bit laughable. Both here and ASPD the argument was always they don't want any sort of numerical rating system, as things are subjective. Then the implement the harshest most subjective way to rate, Yes/No is just a form of 1/0.

Personally, I find the reviews here to be marginally worthwhile. I have to see a reviewer that has reviewed ladies I've seen, So that I can rate the reviewer. Even then I need to learn if their likes are similar to mine or not.

Personally, I'd like to see categories, and have people rate the providers in all the categories. Things like GFE experience, PSE experience, body, face. Then people would rate as Well Below Avg, Below Avg, Avg, Above Avg, Well Above Avg. This might give some value, as we don't all look for the same things. For example some guys want a very GFE experience, while others want a Porn Style we executed the entire Kama Sutra style experience. The favorite girl for the guy who wants the GFE is not the same as the one who wants PSE.

The powers that be both at ASPD and here made the choice they didn't want to use such a system. So, it is what it is. In my opinion the choices made here, make it very difficult to pick a lady using the info here, without spending your every waking moment reading reviews.

I do believe that for a short time after posting a review, it is editable. So, you could go back in and edit the Yes or No, to read something else, perhaps... "I'd like to see her every day!" or "Run, while you still have a chance!"
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I think along the lines of the OP with regards to "sex." My personal opinion is that a "No" can only be earned by the provider's either being lost in space, unwilling to at least TRY hard or otherwise being unprofessional, for example, like sticking to some cheesy script where it's obvious she's just going through the motions or acting like a prima donna. Shoot, sometimes the lady can tell things are going south and tries too hard. To me, the rest is the result of "clickage" whcih can be also due to the degree of effort the hobbyist is willing to put into a session. Sometimes some connection at any level just isn't there and it's really not anyone's "fault." It takes two to tango, at least for me. But, OTOH, I'll occasionally hit an AMP just for that type of experience.

And 69er's right, too. About the only way to gauge the "taste" of any reviewer is to see how the reviewer perceives the experience with a provider the reader of the review has seen. It DOES take all kinds and it should. One size doesn't fit all, but a page-long checklist won't get it either, since reviews are all about the "taste" of the reviewer. Hell, it ain't the girl's fault if I picked wrong but how she handles herself when things aren't going well tells a lot. Salvage what you can, get your nut and learn a thing or two about your selection process. I have and will probably continue to do so. There's help here, but it's not an ironclad guarantee of fireworks and sirens.
After posting a review, and selecting yes or no, then go back an edit the review. At the edit stage, you can change the yes or no to whatever you want.

You will see some guys have updated it to say "hell yeh" and others have put more cautionary words like "Yes, but with reservations, see ROS."

System has some flexibility, you just have to make a little extra effort.
pmdelites's Avatar
After posting a review, and selecting yes or no, then go back an edit the review. At the edit stage, you can change the yes or no to whatever you want.

You will see some guys have updated it to say "hell yeh" and others have put more cautionary words like "Yes, but with reservations, see ROS."

System has some flexibility, you just have to make a little extra effort. Originally Posted by tigercat

that's why i've said that in order to better understand a review, one should look beyond the actual recommendation and read the location, fee, looks, activities, and the story. Yes and No are just a way for the reviewer to sum it up.

and Yes and No mean different things to different people.
all the more reason to read the review.

heck, in one of my reviews, i put this for the recommendation
which, now that i read it, was the wrong thing to put.
if you read that review, you would know i was joking.
but if you didnt, you would think i had a horrible time.

come to think of it, maybe that keeps the crowds away so i can schedule whenever i need to?
PODarkness's Avatar
As I understand it, the recommendation field is for answering the question, "Would you go back"?

It sounds simple, but its not. When asking myself that question, I come up with answers that range from, "Go Back? To hell with that, I ain't leaving. Forward my mail", to "Not even for free".

By itself, it's not a very useful bit of information. As it stands in relation to the current review format, it's the exclamation point at the end of the ROS.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Many of the ladies feel the same way about the OKay we provide gents who use P411. Sometimes OKay is just not nearly enough for some of the gents who are truly awesome and sometimes even though the appointment had none of the requirements we use to judge as dangerous, we still wanna clarify some things that might give another lady pause when making an appointment.
pmdelites's Avatar
M A X, perhaps a request to gina to add a 300-400 character comment field to go along w/ the OK/Not OK??

imo, OK/Not OK and Yes/No are just not enough info.
cos you know someone is going to ask "why did you answer the question that way?"
well, some of the more inquisitive folks will.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I believe Gina's mulled this over in the past....maybe some day. Technical changes and all the considerations take time to put into effect, if they are even feasible. She knows we'd like to have it and has addressed it in the past with us. That lady is on top of her game!!! '-)
Iaintliein's Avatar
At one time, on the old board, I started comparing ladies to others I had reviewed as points of reference; "X is slightly taller but similar build to Y, a little too fast on the BBJ compared to Z". That sort of thing.

I actually did a "summary" thread in the locker room once comparing the dozen or so lady's I'd reviewed and got some very good feedback from guys with similar tastes to mine. Of course, this would need to be done in the ROS section to prevent needlessly hurting feelings etc.