whattyda think guys?

mr. haney's Avatar

i know pictures are fake, checked on tineye
new scam ?
Looks fishy. She's drop dead gorgeous yet she's not making ends meet as a stripper. But what gets me is the "sample body rub" and she asks that guys only leave a tip..

I'm guessing it might go like this -
A- not the girl in the pics.. She and or her pimp will be waiting to rob you
B - she is the girl in the pics.. She and or her pimp will be waiting to rob you
C - she may or may not be the girl in the pics.. But when you get there the body rub won't be free.. She's going to upsell you or demand a donation
D - she isn't the girl in the pics but renders her services as promised.. Satisfaction not guaranteed
E - she is the girl in the pics and everything goes fine.. you may have found the hottest chick on BP, ever

Which of these do YOU think is the most realistic outcome? Maybe TOFTT and let us all know!

In all seriousness chicks using fake pics don't spell anything but trouble. They have something to hide or a trick up their sleeve. If you know the pics are fake just move along! Plenty of great girls here and even some on BP that you won't be taking a gamble on.
Very well put ST
The dumb asses will show up to get mugged....

The fake pic and a "too good to be true" offer are the flags and significant enough together that the educated hobbyist would avoid.

It's like when the police do some arrest warrant "stings" right before the superbowl. They send letters to the harder to catch more violent criminals, tell them they won a big flatscreen TV, etc.. and some celeb will be at the stadium or gym giving at talk with free BBQ... 70 or 100 guys will come up to get their prize, register, show their license, enter the "prize hall", and then the police cuff them as they walk in.

The news sometimes shows some of the footage and I giggle my ass off.