Use of photos/videos in reviews:good idea or bad idea?

I am of a different generation and Iwonder about the use of photos/videos in reviews(and ads for that matter) especially for providers in their 20s. Life is long and these mementos of affection---while appreciated by us now---will be around along after they enter a different profession.
macbeth1000's Avatar
It's a good and bad idea. Good in the sense that, we all can see the action and with all the fake reviews going around, it adds a lot of credibility to the reviewer and also we all can see before we try the provider. The bad in the sense that if and when this party comes to an end and the Feds arrive, not even a high powered attorney would be able to save you by saying that this was only a fantasy review
I like seeing a chick who's not all "glammed" up. Plus you get some cred on the action.
muffin101's Avatar
For me it's turned into a sub-hobby.

I like editing the pics (simple cropping) and I actually bring illuminating light bulbs to appointments to take better pictures/footage.

You know on top of the little bottle of Listerine and back-up rubbers, packs light bulbs
I was thinking more in terms of the women who may someday have these photos and videos pop up in their lives. I enjoy the photos and videos but living in the moment, at least at to this activity, could boomerang.
Anyone who allows full nude images from sessions is on my no contact list. No sense of privacy so I do not trust them to respect mine.

Totally agree with OP. These images may well prevent things in the future for these women.
Most of the hobbyist pics of providers that are posted paint the provider in a very unflattering light. I've had a lot of girls that I had initially wanted to see, but when a review gets posted with awful pics, I change my mind.
I don't think it's a good idea. I don't believe Feds are going to raid a website and put people in jail for posting pictures of sex acts involving people over 18, but it's still more of a paper trail. That probably doesn't make a lot of sense, it just feels like a bad idea. As for candid pics of just the providers - why take a picture of the Eiffel Tower when you can buy a postcard that looks better? But who knows - if a provider likes that kind of thing, go for it.

Posting in reviews - it's a little like walking into a Wal-Mart, taking pictures, then including them in a review of the place. It's never going to come out very good.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 04-26-2014, 02:34 PM
I think porn, social media, and smart phones have created a generation who are more comfortable with their lack of privacy. I think videos and photos are risky to hobbyist with SO more than legal.

I prefer pics in reviews.
Its a good idea in my opinion.... proof is in the pudding (or shall I say pic).
modus's Avatar
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  • 04-26-2014, 02:36 PM
I have a video of one provider and it's an awesome marketing tool for her because I can't wait to see her again.
I was thinking more in terms of the women who may someday have these photos and videos pop up in their lives. I enjoy the photos and videos but living in the moment, at least at to this activity, could boomerang. Originally Posted by outoftheblue
Exactly. I've attempted to make that point in the past. Future relationships, employment, children, education, prosecution. All are very real and probable.

It is the ultimate outing putting your face out there, the fake name won't fool anyone..
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
The ultimate outing is putting your face AND ass out there for the world - literally - to behold.

This is a forum all about sex and the degrees to which he/she may take that in the pursuit of pleasure and be comfortable all vary. Being of the older persuasion, I'm still jaded a bit when it comes to some of the stark, much less than flattering photos and videos especially when said provider looks/appears drunk, runny mascara, etc. Turn on for some, turn off for others to be sure.
OldGrump's Avatar
I'm fine with it as long as the photos are of the type the lady may use in an ECCIE ad.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I like taking pics but i have never posted any without help from a mod i will send pics to some members that i trust and not others, as far as vids go i like seeing them you get to see who the girl is as with pics not some of the bullshit posted in some adds or show case i would rather the girls post real pics not glamour shots. there is one girl active on the board now her showcase shots
are not her very close to the body type and i was not disappointed in her but not what she showed just fucking be HONEST