In This Hobby

In this hobby there will be pleasure, headache, and disappointment.
I have had them all and something's could be avoided if we women didn't have lives and were just sitting up waiting for a cock to suck and fuck. . But that will never happen unless I was in a bunny ranch. lol. This isn't possible because many have a life outside of the hobby just as you gents But the bottom line is we as providers decide whom we wish to see just as you fellas. Many of you fellas have the "main whore" you see and believe you have a relationship with them. Yes, there may be some possible feelings but at the end of the day, you are going back to your S/O and we whores are going to the next cock. I do believe that I have developed a functioning relationship-friendship that works for us both. But do not mistake that I am naïve in thinking that if I am not giving you pleasure in what ever it may be that you will not go to the next, that I am certain of. Many of you gents use me as a reference and I don't ever mind because I care about everyone's safety. It is up to us to keep each other informed so that we as a community can continue to supply a demand and continue having the wonderful friendships with each other. So, if someone request a reference and I do not respond quickly you both lose out and I am not about helping people lose money and pleasure. I always ask to get a text for a quicker response, I may not have time to check my email but I do have time to check my text. Who doesn't have their phone close by nowadays?
It has been becoming a reoccurrence with many of the new hobbyist to not follow thru or respond to a session. I hate when someone texts' me asking questions about rates, or my location but they are not sure if they can make it. Now this isn't news that you don't have to touch, you can get into trouble just by the text messages. I try and be nice and ask to refer back to my showcase, I have several sources that can help you find what your looking for if its not in my ad. Back to their lack of consideration of peoples time I believe that it is an issue period of life. Not just the hobby but in real life. But I can agree with the other provider about putting one on a DNS list. Just because
of the fact that I cannot respect a person that doesn't respect me. Being a gentleman, respectful and considerate are turn-on's for me. Makes me want to give you toe curling pleasure because you respected my time and life. Those of you that have had my pleasure I try my hardest to be a good host and make you feel comfortable and safe. I try to make sure that I have anything available so that if you are going home or work or wherever you don't smell like me. So if all we as providers are asking is to respect me and my time and be a gentlemen, and pay your time not try to hustle out of paying cause your over your time, then that should be perfect. Because I and many if not all providers are here to enjoy our time with you, its a mutual understanding.
Sorry for such a long write.
everyone enjoy your Monday and hard and stay safe
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Yes, there may be some possible feelings but at the end of the day, you are going back to your S/O... Originally Posted by Issabella Monroe
Not necessarily. Some of us see you ladies because we don't have an SO, and either don't want one or (in my case) women seem to find us repulsive, so that we can't get laid unless we pay for it.


I beg to differ on that comment. bluff. You may think that women find you repulsive but that is because the type of women that you are seeking are shallow and have nothing to offer you. Real women see past the physical and see you inside. Your beauty, conversation, intelligence and kindness. Those things are more attractive in an individual than physical. Yes physical can be a factor but when the beauty fades what do you have to offer? Seeing someone from the inside and appreciating and respecting them makes one beautiful no matter the physical. Just my thoughts. And I am sorry that you have been treated less than because you are a very kind hearted man and have much to offer any lady!!!
Have a great day bluff

This goes to any man that has had to experience this type of abuse. I think that Most of you gents are beautiful and that is why it comes so natural for me. I enjoy my time with you all and I for one want to show you how much you are appreciated and wanted. So, the next time you think that you are not measuring up remember we ladies want you. We ladies enjoy you. We ladies appreciate you.
I love that you have principles. A lot of people will sell out for a quick buck. I definitely don't feel that way with Issabella.
nevercanhavetoomuch's Avatar
Well said Issabella. Even though I don't know Bluff I can understand his feelings. Have some of them myself from time to time. Be that as it may we all have different reasons for wanting the company of the ladies. But as you say we need to be respectful. Everybody here is a human being (as far as I know) with feelings. We just need to realize that in our dealings with each other.
A lot of guys become attach to providers. Lying providers make hobbyist lie then these hobbyist make other providers lie it’s a circle (or the other way around). We like for them to be real with us just like they want us to be real with them. Having a provider as a friend is like having a friend with benefits who need/wants assistance. I saw somewhere that a provider on here said “the heart has no place on this kind of board”. I don’t know if that’s true.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I love that you have principles. A lot of people will sell out for a quick buck. I definitely don't feel that way with Issabella. Originally Posted by RJinLR
lol yea a lot...that's why I have still stuck to my same non GFE rules since I started! Sure, I could sell myself short and be GFE just because th guys want me to be, but I chose not to and it works great for me!
Being GFE is not "selling yourself short". Now maybe GFE is not for you and that's fine, nobody should have to do anything here they don't want to do. But plenty of us here crave the GFE and if it was not available here, we wouldn't be here. To each their own but ladies who provide GFE are NOT selling themselves short and to imply that is kind of an insult to them. Thank God for those that do provide a GFE!
BabyDallass's Avatar
I have clients who say thank God for girls like me who like to be safe....oh and let me be a little bit more clear...I meant by what he said to her for sticking to her principals and not giving in to what guys what. That is what I was it again...nobody said what you said I said...::rolls eyes:: calm down geez dude
BabyDallass's Avatar
OR the hobbyists who want us to fit into their weekly spending budget and wants us to honor a $100 Or below date. can pay me that to sit there and watch you jack off on FaceTime that's about it for that ... lol smh
hogmanjones's Avatar
I thought you were clear. You would be selling yourself short, based on your own preferences. Everyone should respect everyone else's limits.
You said you could sell yourself short and be GFE, your words, not mine. And I'm quite calm.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I have a huge client base who only likes to see girls who are like me and non GFE, especially for the new guys who are scared to bring anything home to their wife. Not everyone likes to take more chances than we already have to....
BabyDallass's Avatar
You said you could sell yourself short and be GFE, your words, not mine. And I'm quite calm. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Yes, because I would only be doing it to please y'all not me. I think it's pretty impressive that as long as I've done this I have stuck to my rules and principles. Not many can say that...normally kids, pimps, drugs are the reason most have to be GFE, I have seen lots of girls start out like me then end up being GFE. And I can assure you it's because they had to just to support themselves...but that's just my observation being in this for 6years. Not going to lie, when it's slow, I have thought about being GFE just to make a quick buck, but then that's too easy.....
It's all good Hun.