Body Sugaring vs. Waxing? I found Sugaring to be twice the pain than waxing! Let me explain …

dawg1's Avatar
  • dawg1
  • 02-01-2015, 01:04 PM
So let me start here, back when laser hair removal was just taking off I paid top dollar to have my back and shoulders done. Sure they claim permanent hair removal during the sales pitch, but then after the first session they explain to you that there is no such thing as permanent hair removal as you are genetically engineered to have hair growth in different stages of your life, in example why you didn’t have a hairy back in your teens, yet you do in your 40’s.

Anywho, the lasering did greatly reduce the amount of hair on my back and shoulders so now I maintain every couple of months with waxing at European Wax Centers (not an up-sell, just referencing the kind of wax and technique they use) where they utilize a hard strip-less wax. New wax is applied for every pull via a warm painless application, and then once it sets up they pull up the hardened strip rather quickly removing the hair, and yes that hurts.

My Sugaring experience was anything but the same of waxing. The only non-painful application was when new sugar was used and only on the first application. With sugaring the same ~sugaring wax~ is used over and over, and it was my experience to be extremely painful during the application and found it to be a torturing slow extraction of the hairs during the spreading of the sugar, pre-pull. Then once the sugar was spread or applied, it was then pulled up extracting the remaining hairs in that area, and yes that hurt as well. During the process of hair removal of my entire back and shoulders, only four pieces of sugaring wax was used?

So here is where it really gets crazy is I’ve always been curious of the male Brazilian, so I was talked into that service as well with the sugaring prior to experiencing the pain it entailed. Great Scott, at times during the application of the sugaring I thought she was ripping the skin from my shaft and scrotum! Some of the worst pain I had ever felt!

So for those of you that promote sugaring over waxing I have a couple questions. Is it normal to use the same sugaring wax over and over? If so did you find the application or spreading of the sugar to be just as painful as the extraction? I wonder if I could pay extra for new sugar to be used with every application? Do I need to try another Esthetician before writing off sugaring for good and if so who would you recommend as I’m coming up on four weeks since my last service?

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-01-2015, 02:02 PM
I get waxed and have experimented with sugaring.

I found sugar to be less painful for legs. Yes they use the same "glob" of sugar a few/many times if the application is done with hands on.

ONCE, I braved sugar on the whoha... that was a mistake. The only time my nookie has ever been bruised black and blue. Literally. It looked like someone had kicked me multiple times in the crotch. Never again.

Currently I am sticking to EWC.

Speaking of which... it is time to tame the semibush...
I am a sugaring virgin and I have frequently waxed. I was told that sugaring was less painful so I plan on having a session done pretty soon. However you and Ze are scaring the bejesus out of me as I only do brazilian waxing. Let me ask, do you think it had something to do with the hair length? I always wait and let it grow a bit before I return.
Hermosa's Avatar
Tried the Laser, and yes it grows back. They are now supposed to clarify that better. Considering waxing on the back to see how that goes. Have any tried that NoNo toy? Looks too good to be true! Still, it might be better than being reduced to a whimpering little child getting his hair ripped out along with flesh.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-01-2015, 04:54 PM
Hermosa... waxing gets less painful the more you go. Since you don't wait sooo long between treatments that the hair follicle has a chance to really grow its roots, makes it easier to pull out. The first time is a doozy though.
berkleigh's Avatar
In my opinion...

THREADING works great for the areas of the face.

WAXING can be really harsh to your skin but it is don't quickly and lasts 4-8 weeks depending on hair growth and the area applied.
(Please go to a licensed tech/SPA or you will hurt yourself)

If you can afford it, invest in LASER Treatments.
It's really not that expensive anymore and I've seen package deals listed on GroupOn.
Just check out the Reviews/Feedback beforehand.
dawg1's Avatar
  • dawg1
  • 02-01-2015, 09:41 PM
Thank you Ze, you mentioned “if the application is done hands on”? Is there an automated applicator that is supposed to be used?

DongeyKong – I too was told that sugaring was less painful and better than waxing thus why I tried it but did not find that to be true hence why I was asking for advice before setting up another session. This was my first time for a Brazilian, so I understand why that was as painful as it was but I have been waxing my back for years and found it to be just as painful sugaring as the first time I was ever waxed? The hair on my back is pretty fine from the lasering treatments and I would say it was about 1/2” long. However the hair in my nether region was about a 1/4” which I was told to be the preferred length.

Hermosa - I have never tried the NoNo toy or any of the at home laser hair removals devices. If you venture out and try these you will have to let us know how they work out.

Berkleigh – I have been playing with the idea of going back for some more laser treatments as it has been 10 years or so since I’ve done lasering but my hairs are starting to turn gray so not sure how well it will take. Also a little nervous about the pain level involved with lasering in the nether regions if you know what I mean.

On a side note, after it was all said and done I really did enjoy the ~smoothness~ of the hair being removed over shaving.
FishGuy13's Avatar
I've had both waxes and sugaring the Brozillian, and some areas hurt more than others ie the area above my cock really hurts like hell. Other areas like my scrotum almost no pain, it's like the back of your elbow. Perhaps the skill of the lady who you go to and the hair length, how often you get it done. In the end, even the parts and times that really hurt like hell, I'd say it was worth it.

I think sugaring is a little bit better, since it only grabs the hair and dead skin, and the sugar is cooler temperature.

Oh and to answer the question of by hand or machine LOL! By hand is she is either holding the sugar/wax in her bare hand or with a glove vs application will a little wooden stick like a clean popsicle stick.
Mojojo's Avatar
Whatever you do....don't put hair on your balls! Just don't...
Whatever you do....don't put hair on your balls! Just don't... Originally Posted by Mojojo
Um, Nair?

On a side note - Hair shouldn't be on balls either.
Mojojo's Avatar
Um, Nair?

On a side note - Hair shouldn't be on balls either. Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
Hey every now and then you have that weird one but the taint....oh man that's another story!