Breast Implants for Graduation?

Was on the road (West Coast) and watched with interest a news story about a mother who offered her daughter a boob job as a graduation gift (nope, not college!). Turns out it's "all the rage" out West. Mom looked like she's on the plastic surgery treadmill and daughter looks pretty damn great as is!

Maybe I'm nuts and/or too old fashioned but this just seems wrong? I suppose I'll let the ladies weigh in with their opinions but has society reached a level where you tell an impressionable young lady that unless she's got a pair of C's or better she's unattractive?
Guest091314's Avatar
I dont think its crazy....

I knew a girl whos mom did do that. She was also barely a A cup...she got them to C's and her confidence went through the roof! Guess it really depends on the situation...
Hobbyfun's Avatar
First off I love any boobs a's to whatever as long as they are real, Fakes are OK but real is better.

Second that is bribing you kids to do something they should do anyway.

Third if you are going to teach your kids responsibility make them get a job and pay for them themselves.

Fourth even the saline one's can and will leak and you will have medical problems later in life, the skin of the implants are silicon and they do react inside your body.
Funny, had a similar conversation with a couple of lovely ladies about this yesterday. In all of my years, I've seen/felt/touched two sets of implants that were worthy of the lady wearing them. One lady from civvie lady. Yet I've seen and felt numerous enhancements that were more of a detraction than an enhancement.

I know, I know ladies, it's your body and you have your reasons...but I have never met a set of natural breasts I didn't like. Big or small, pert or saggy, old and wrinkled, or young and's not your breasts that's the person they're attached to, and what comes from within.

There! I said it...flame away.
pyramider's Avatar
If the girl's self esteem is focused on her breasts then the girl has bigger issues than cleavage.
If the girl's self esteem is focused on her breasts then the girl has bigger issues than cleavage. Originally Posted by pyramider
That's a real easy thing for a guy to say. As a society we put a premium on appearance for girls and make fun of guys who are too interested in their own appearance.

Beyond that, if Mom is all doctored up, that's what she has been taught her whole life. In this case, if implants save her from a lifetime of therapy to help her with her "bigger issues", who can say it's not money well spent.

There is a reason that no elective procedure has a higher patient satisfaction rate than breast enlargement.