where do you draw the line with hotels

LadyAnastasia's Avatar
During the summer time I am usually pushed into using Hotels due to family life. I love using hotels.com but I learned the harsh reality of bait and switch. Used a hotel 6 once because it was indoor and the photos looked amazing only to arrive to dingy sheets, thin walls and peeling paint

The issue i find with it is in my area most of the places tend to be doors on the outside instead of going through a lobby and both options have their own issues. in a lobby you might have nosey employees and outside might have alot of wandering people and undesirable actions.

Does it actually matter once your in the room?

I understand if your paying a $300+ rate then there are expectations. Being a low volume provider I have no interest in paying $150 for a room and making profit enough for dinner. I also would not want someone to pull up and be instantly turned off by the surroundings.

Where do you draw the line? Are their specific chains you avoid?
What sort of happenings would be going on for you to pull up and leave?
defleppard's Avatar
Excellent post! I tend to avoid the “low rent” places; but, that’s just my style. For me, the location, surroundings, parking, “look and feel”, etc. are all part of the experience of the encounter - and as such contributes or takes away from the quality of that experience. Discretion, freedom of movement, easy access, safety and relative comfort are paramount to me.

On the hotel app thing: If i am unfamiliar with a specific hotel, I’ll get the address of the place and research it (google) prior to making the purchase. I usually end up getting a 3 star on average in a good area and it’s usually around a hundo. Stay sharp and research, use rewards, etc and you can find deals on 4 star and above for around the same price occasionally.

Good luck!
I think Priceline express deals is a smart way to go. On days that the express deal isn’t available, don’t do in calls on that day, if possible! On most days , you get a great deal on a hotel, in a specific area that you chose, at a star rating and price point you are comfortable with. The only unknown is the exact hotel although you can often figure that out beforehand. I do this for trips to cities I visit and it saves a lot of money
I don't really care about the hotel its the location of the hotel that may be the problem. I've personally blacklisted a few hotels because of the neighborhood and things going on around the area.
That's a difficult question but that's what makes it a great question too. I took some time to ponder on your question and this is what I think:

Try to find the cheapest hotel that is still in a safe neighborhood and looks decent and has mostly positive reviews. Focus on 3 star and 4 star hotels. I know I live very far away from you but in my area, I use hotwire.com, hotels.com, priceline.com, and kayak.com to find great deals on 3 star and 4 star hotels. By a great deal, I mean paying 40 to 80 dollars per night for a room at a decent 3 star or even 4 star hotel. Somehow these lovely 3 and 4 star hotels always have discounted rooms making them cheaper than even cheap rundown motels!

I don't avoid any specific hotel chains but I do draw the line at seedy run-down motels where there are creepy dangerous characters loitering outside. If I see that now, I would let the provider know I don't feel comfortable at that incall and leave. However all the providers I've been meeting this year have been staying in upscale 4 star hotels in the Dallas Galleria area or at safe clean apartments so I've been lucky.

Back in 2015, I met a backpage provider at such an incall. A very run-down looking motel with doors opening outside for each room. Lots of thugs and ruffians just sitting outside, loitering, and up to no good. I felt very uncomfortable and scared. Fortunately, the provider, a big tough bbw, knew those thugs and they respected her enough not to mess with me. As she guided me to her room, they were smirking at me and trying to engage me in conversation. I thought I was going to get robbed and beaten up for sure, maybe even killed.

After our meeting, the provider was nice enough to walk me outside her room and wait with me outside till the Dallas yellow cab arrived to pick me up. She kept me safe with her presence. She kept the thugs at bay.

Still, I never want to repeat that experience. So please if you can, read reviews, scope out the hotel, and make sure there aren't unsavory characters loitering around outside.
DestineeDesire's Avatar
I use Priceline alot and always read reviews, especially most recent ones, on hotels and look at the ratings and the cleanliness rating... you can find some great 3 and 4 star hotels for under $100... and you can shop in exact location so youll know exactly where your going... they also have perks like discounts if booked by phone or some discounts if you book flight with hotel... Not sure if your ever in Addison but if you pm me i can give you some great finds ive come across for a great budget!
I would suggest to try Priceline.com and use the express deals I booked a bad ass hotel that way in San Francisco that normally runs for close to 2 bills for 105$ a night even I could not believe the deal lol.

But as far as the experience the location is #1 on my list there are areas I’m not going even if the playtime would be free. That being to area being known for high crime or X factor.

Then #2 is the interior has a bit to do with the overall experience. The provider can be a 10/10 but if the place we are enjoying each other looks like a roach motel then it makes me think am I going to get something from getting on this bed butt naked? Is the provider staying here long term if so why? (All that is going through my head 🥴😪&#128514

Just my 2˘
LehaLea's Avatar
I use Priceline the most and love it I also use the rewards programs to get discount or member rates and free rooms I don’t go under 3 stars and read the reviews pictures are not always what they seem to be I had the same problem on hotels.com with a Howard Johnson chain the room was so bad I did not even bring my bag in nor pull back the covers literally slept and left but Priceline would be the best way to go my opinion especially the express deals I get really nice hotels for great prices like that
mrredcat43's Avatar
I've been to a few hourly notels outside the area, they were so damn rundown. One, the toilet was no longer bolted to the floor and tile was missing, and the other, was one you wouldn't take your socks off in and somebody had stolen the tv and chunks were missing out the wall. Real classy spots (sarcasm)
gladius82's Avatar
I think the location is most important followed closely by price. There are Motel 6 locations I wouldn't visit to see any provider and there are some that I don't mind.
Location, location, location. I avoid certain areas regardless of the hotel. Also, a $300 room with a guy hiding in the closet or bathroom is not as good as a $100 room with an empty closet and bathroom.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I have to be careful choosing the express deal on priceline in my area. It always spits out the same hotel (when i used priceline alot back in the day). Super nice hotel right next to the police station. Never bothered me but freaked every guy out.
I have to be careful choosing the express deal on priceline in my area. It always spits out the same hotel (when i used priceline alot back in the day). Super nice hotel right next to the police station. Never bothered me but freaked every guy out. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia

That would scared the fuck out me and make me cancel lol...

What area if you don’t mind me asking are you looking to book in?
DestineeDesire's Avatar
I have to be careful choosing the express deal on priceline in my area. It always spits out the same hotel (when i used priceline alot back in the day). Super nice hotel right next to the police station. Never bothered me but freaked every guy out. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
I never use express deals just bc like u said u cant see where the hotel is... but they do have great deals for regular standard rooms in the nicer hotels... i use google alot to see where the hotel is what is near it and cross streets before booking... like u i used an express deal once and ended up in a not so good neighborhood so to speak lol... learned my lesson lol
Also something I notice is a lot of places now need a key card for entry or even access to the elevator. Some regulars I know have left a spare card by the side door for me but that won't work with everyone. It's usually early morning appointments but just keep that in mind for some places that the lobby requires keys for access at certain hours.