CNN column - Its time to fire Ivanka and Jared.

HoeHummer's Avatar
It’s good to be the king, eh?

Opinion: Time to fire Jared and Ivan...gen/index.html

Time to fire Jared and Ivanka

(CNN) — Jared Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, traveled to the Trump golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, with their three children for the first night of Passover on April 8, according to The New York Times

In so doing, they ignored federal guidelines.

President Donald Trump's much-vaunted coronavirus guidelines recommend against "discretionary travel."
133 days in isolation nearly destroyed us. Then we got married
Kushner and Trump also seem to have ignored Washington, DC's Mayor Muriel Bowser's stay-at-home order, which was issued March 30 and ordered residents of DC, which include the couple, to stay at home unless they are performing "essential activities" such as "obtaining medical care" or are performing "essential governmental functions" or "allowable recreational activities" such as "walking, hiking, running, dog-walking..."

It's hard to imagine that a family visit to a New Jersey golf club falls into these categories.

The DC stay-at-home order also says that "willfully" violating it is a misdemeanor subject to a fine not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment for not more than three months, or both.
The hypocrisy of the Kushner and Trump's behavior is breathtaking.

Kushner has now positioned himself as the overall czar of the coronavirus relief effort. Just like his dismal peace-making efforts in the Middle East, Kushner has added another layer of confusion to the muddled White House coronavirus response by, for example, promoting the speedy development of drive-thru nationwide testing sites that still haven't materialized.
Meanwhile Ivanka Trump, a White House adviser, has positioned herself as an avatar of social distancing, telling her 8.5 million followers on Twitter on April 12, "There's no substitute for social distancing."
Create a CARES Corps to lead the Covid-19 recovery
In recent days, when talking about reopening the country, President Trump has said his authority to tell the 50 governors in the United States what to do is "total" (Trump later backtracked on Tuesday, saying that "The governors are going to be running their individual states.") and has also threatened to adjourn Congress -- a provision of the Constitution that has never been used -- so that he can push through several of his nominations to fill different federal agencies.
The French absolute monarch Louis XIV famously observed "L'état, c'est moi:" I am the state. The Trump-Kushner clan has reworked this as "L'état, c'est nous:" We are the state.

We don't live in a monarchy in the United States and it's long past time for Prince Jared and Princess Ivanka to rejoin the private sector.

Of course, with King Donald in the White House, the likelihood of that happening is very low, as the only constant of the consistently inconsistent Trump is that he will fire pretty much everyone in his orbit, but not members of his own family, no matter how feckless they are.
Oilrig's Avatar
The President Ivanka and Jared all work for free Stock on meds psycho it's gonna be a rough 5 years for you
The President Ivanka and Jared all work for free Stock on meds psycho it's gonna be a rough 5 years for you Originally Posted by Oilrig
The Dems need to buy enough to last them to 2024. That stimulus check should come in handy for them, lol.
It’s good to be the king, eh?

Opinion: Time to fire Jared and Ivan...gen/index.html

Time to fire Jared and Ivanka

(CNN) — Jared Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, traveled to the Trump golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, with their three children for the first night of Passover on April 8, according to The New York Times

In so doing, they ignored federal guidelines.

President Donald Trump's much-vaunted coronavirus guidelines recommend against "discretionary travel."
133 days in isolation nearly destroyed us. Then we got married
Kushner and Trump also seem to have ignored Washington, DC's Mayor Muriel Bowser's stay-at-home order, which was issued March 30 and ordered residents of DC, which include the couple, to stay at home unless they are performing "essential activities" such as "obtaining medical care" or are performing "essential governmental functions" or "allowable recreational activities" such as "walking, hiking, running, dog-walking..."

It's hard to imagine that a family visit to a New Jersey golf club falls into these categories.

The DC stay-at-home order also says that "willfully" violating it is a misdemeanor subject to a fine not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment for not more than three months, or both.
The hypocrisy of the Kushner and Trump's behavior is breathtaking.

Kushner has now positioned himself as the overall czar of the coronavirus relief effort. Just like his dismal peace-making efforts in the Middle East, Kushner has added another layer of confusion to the muddled White House coronavirus response by, for example, promoting the speedy development of drive-thru nationwide testing sites that still haven't materialized.
Meanwhile Ivanka Trump, a White House adviser, has positioned herself as an avatar of social distancing, telling her 8.5 million followers on Twitter on April 12, "There's no substitute for social distancing."
Create a CARES Corps to lead the Covid-19 recovery
In recent days, when talking about reopening the country, President Trump has said his authority to tell the 50 governors in the United States what to do is "total" (Trump later backtracked on Tuesday, saying that "The governors are going to be running their individual states.") and has also threatened to adjourn Congress -- a provision of the Constitution that has never been used -- so that he can push through several of his nominations to fill different federal agencies.
The French absolute monarch Louis XIV famously observed "L'état, c'est moi:" I am the state. The Trump-Kushner clan has reworked this as "L'état, c'est nous:" We are the state.

We don't live in a monarchy in the United States and it's long past time for Prince Jared and Princess Ivanka to rejoin the private sector.

Of course, with King Donald in the White House, the likelihood of that happening is very low, as the only constant of the consistently inconsistent Trump is that he will fire pretty much everyone in his orbit, but not members of his own family, no matter how feckless they are. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Yous say something about fake news...:lau ghing1:
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It’s good to be the king, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Talk about delusional. CNN says that the couple are not royalty but then goes on to say that the democratic mayor of D.C. has the royal power to issue royal edicts about a person's travel. Who is really acting like royalty? There will be a reckoning after this is over and I expect a lot of focus on how much authority a "guideline" has, federal or otherwise. Also, how many democrat politicians violated the constitution and their oath of office by criminalizing individual freedoms.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Nepotism is a common thing. I can't bad mouth Trump for that. I would do the same for my kids... his sons come across as complete bozos to me but at least Ivanka appears to be intelligent.

I'll admit that Ivanka won me over many years ago when she seemed really offended when a person brought up Paris Hilton to her... I'm paraphrasing because this was a long time ago and I don't remember her exact words but she said something along the lines of, "I went to school and I actually work. Don't compare me to her." I thought that was pretty awesome because she did work for her dad while Paris Hilton had a silly ass reality TV show at the time.

She gets cool points from me for being hot as well. I'm biased though. I like tall women.
lustylad's Avatar
... his sons come across as complete bozos to me but at least Ivanka appears to be intelligent. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Actually, three out of trump's four children earned an Ivy League degree... unlike a certain bozo on this board who flunked out of Bumfuck Community College and pretends he has three (3) Ivy degrees.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yesterday there were peaceful protests at the state capitol in Austin. About 300 people, much less than anticipated, protested the closing of businesses and wanted social distancing rules removed.

Many were breaking the rules imposed by Governor Abbot and Mayor Steve Adler requiring the wearing of face masks in public and staying 6 feet from others. To the best of my knowledge, no one was arrested or even warned.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The governor and mayor can go fuck themselves, they have no authority to suspend the Constitution.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
SR, I feel horrible for these people. I don't have to worry about money now but I've had to do so in the past. It's stressful. It's not fun. The stress stays with you with bills and debt. I wish them the best and I hope this turns around soon for everyone and especially for those who need it most.

I applaud Trump for giving those who need it $1,200. But that is hardly a material amount of money and until this economy changes, many people are sadly just completely fucked.

Edit: I used CPA and finance speak. In a nutshell for those who do not know, "material" pretty much just means "not enough" or "is enough" when you look at liquidity, cash flows, leverage or whatever. I'm putting that lightly but you get my point.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR, I feel horrible for these people. I don't have to worry about money now but I've had to do so in the past. It's stressful. It's not fun. The stress stays with you with bills and debt. I wish them the best and I hope this turns around soon for everyone and especially for those who need it most.

I applaud Trump for giving those who need it $1,200. But that is hardly a material amount of money and until this economy changes, some people are sadly just completely fucked. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
The $1200 dollars per person with an additional $500 per child was estimated to last the average family about 2 weeks. The lines for free food in San Antonio were incredible. The one thing we can all agree on -- let's get back to the new "normal" as soon as possible.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The $1200 dollars per person with an additional $500 per child was estimated to last the average family about 2 weeks. The lines for free food in San Antonio were incredible. The one thing we can all agree on -- let's get back to the new "normal" as soon as possible. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah. It's just not a lot of money. It's better than nothing though. But it sure the fuck won't keep anyone breathing for long after it is gone soon and they have no money.
HoeHummer's Avatar

Yous say something about fake news...:lau ghing1: Originally Posted by bb1961
Well I’ll admits that CNN is no and the other white supremacist propaganda yous guys swear by.

And it was labeled as an opionion (column) in the headline. But don’t let facts get in the way of a good old fashioned dungflinging, eh?

More proof that the average Trumpholians are either unable to comprehend what they read, or don’t give a shit.

Kushner is Trump’s duct tape. ivanka is his fantasy fuck doll.

Neither were vetted by the government.

Is that fake news beebsy? I am convinced yous wouldn’t know.

Carry on, boys and enjoy your Sunday grumbles.