Pastor drops charges against Whole Foods

This situation was sketchy from the beginning. I don't like Whole Foods due to their stupid prices, but I hope they screw this dude.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 05-16-2016, 09:59 PM
According to the news tonight "Whole Foods" took the high road and dropped charges (I didn't read the link above). The pastor now has mud on him face and I hope his 'church' cans his ass. But I'm with you, I wish Whole Foods would have taken him down. No doubt he cost'd them business during this interim period.
a) Can't stand Whole Foods

b) What the pastor did was pretty fuckin' shitty

c) I feel Whole Foods should pursue charges against the pastor for his false and slanderous allegations so as to deter some other idiot from doing the same thing to them in the future

d) Did I mention I detest Whole Foods?

e) I hope the pastor loses his position within his 'church' as a result of his actions

f) See 'a' and 'd'
nuglet's Avatar
"his church" was of his own design and origination.. it's really a matter of having the class to walk away, and quit pretending to be a good guy, but as with many preachers, he's as corrupt and the abusers and sinners from a lot of leadership positions in that profession.. the guys and ladies here are more righteous and honest than any of the "preachers" I've ever met personally. Just a gay guy, hoping to score by lying and scheming to scoop up some cash.
EagleEye's Avatar
The guy has defaulted on $25K+ of student loans. My guess is that he hatched a scheme to get WF to pay it off... perhaps with some money for a new car or vacation. Idiot that he is, he did not consider the CCTV in the store. Absolutely hilarious watching his story fall apart. Kudos to WF for going on the offensive.