Makeup & Illusion of Passion

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 10-09-2010, 04:02 PM
Since my college days, I have made many female platonic friends and acquaintances. Over the years, as I have met them for meals or drinks, I became aware of something. Because it is a purely platonic relationship, they would wear the minimum amount of makeup appropriate for the time of day and venue. For brunch, makeup may not be worn. Other than a few exceptions, lip gloss would be substituted for lipstick.

There have been recent instances when providers decided not to wear any makeup for our initial appointment. Like most of my friends, these women do not necessary need makeup to be presentable. It just seemed to send the wrong signal.

From my point of view, these women had no wish to be intimate. Even though their body was very willing, my mind believed theirs was not.

Guys, how important is makeup for the illusion of passion? Does it make it more difficult to believe in the fantasy?

Ladies, what are you thoughts?
maybe she(the provider) does need make up to feel sexy,if you want something like make up (light are like a specifice photo) you should request that while screening for the appoinment.

no illusion is the same

Happy Hunting,Mrs. Sweet
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
i dont always wear makeup and when i do its very little a lot of my clients actually prefer and request the no makeup fresh out of the shower look
Boltfan's Avatar
I guess it depends on the lady. For instance with Ms. Jules Jaguar she is a very beautiful young woman and heavy makeup was not needed. Why take away from what is natural beauty?
To be honest It doesn't matter if she wears make-up or not. I didn't come there for that. As long as she's wearing heels, I'm one happy camper.

I don't know... I'm just a simple guy... I guess.

Trooper H
Valentine Michael's Avatar
I prefer light make up and a more fresh and natural look. Too much make up is a turn off. I like escorts, not hookers.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I guess it depends on the lady. For instance with Ms. Jules Jaguar she is a very beautiful young woman and heavy makeup was not needed. Why take away from what is natural beauty? Originally Posted by Boltfan
awwwww thanks
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I rarely wear much makeup. And I find it curious that you would find lack of makeup to be the equivalent of lack of passion or the desire to be appealing.

But for me, I also don't generally get all that dressed up, either. Oh, it just doesn't seem to matter to my clients that much. A button down shirt with nothing else on ... a towel wrapped around me and still slightly damp ... a robe. Shrug.

Guess men are going to have to like me for my charming personality and not presence.

I still find it just interesting that you equate the two. I do not and I've discussed it with men. They seem to prefer less makeup rather then more.

Very interesting topic, though!!!


P.S. To segue slightly, if you were to meet a woman and she didn't have on much makeup but her room had candles burning, lights were low, scarves and silk were strewn about along with a few suggestions of sex and a romantic "feel" was around ... would that count somewhat?
Lana Warren's Avatar
Are you kidding me? I ain't going nowhere without my warpaint!
This is an area where men need to speak up about their expectations.
I used to get lots of requests for no make up, fresh out of the shower. My own personal preference is to put make up on...I was kind of raised that way, I was taught to always have hair and makeup done no matter what. But it varies from guy to guy so there is no way we can possibly predict who likes what.

I've been seeing my ATF for about 5 months now, and I think he may have seen me without it only once. I think sometimes ladies may get too comfortable and they let some shit slide. Maybe next time just make it known that you like women in make up, lingerie, whatever...just that you like some 'effort' put forth in their appearance, and they might try a little harder..
Just ask the ladies you would like to see, and hopefully they will do it.

I do not wear make-up, maybe some lipstick and eye shadow, but well,I prefer natural.

I would hug a guy and there goes my lipstick on his collar, talk about embarrassment, that actually happen and I was kind of freaking out.

I always say ask, especially if its something simple like make-up.

Good luck

Basically, what Lana said.

I don't wear a ton of makeup regardless of situation, but I also won't meet someone not looking what I feel is my best. Thus, the only clothing request I refuse to honor (other than "flamingo costume" or other items I don't have) is to dress casually. You just aren't going to see me in jeans and a t-shirt. No way, no how. I don't even like wearing that to go grocery shopping, let alone on a date!

Dressing up and paying attention to how I look is part of the pre-date ritual for me. It's fun! It gets me in The Mood. Wink wink.

The only time someone's going to see me without makeup is if we've just woken up after spending the night together. And at that point, I figure if you made it through my stealing the covers and getting up for a drink of water every ten minutes, you can take seeing me without my blusher.
The less makeup you have on the more I like you...
I love makeup under the right circumstance and to highlight the mood. A more demure encounter might require less whereas a PSE might be made more intense by heavy makeup.

That said, while makeup looks great and often has a very sexy smell, it's also evidence. Getting a massage, no biggie, but if there's a lot of mutual touch or b2b or if you're in a fs experience and have an SO, less makeup and less perfume is less to worry about.
  • Paven
  • 10-10-2010, 06:18 AM
I'm a makeup artist and junkie, I love it! Makeup is suppose to enhance your natural beauty not cover it up. I'm all about the eyes, and men love my pink lipstick. I'm very careful when hugging so nothing transfers onto them but I get them neked before me so no worries of them having rumply clothes or anything that would get them into trouble after they leave me. The gents that see me, expect the same girl in the picture so I don't want to mislead anyone. I also wear a unisex fragrance which is very clean and light and have never had a complaint. As a dancer I do skip the glitter with clients, but love to wear it when not working.