Dumbascrap party Presidential hopefuls upset their voting base with their "speech"

The party of PC, has a REAL problem !!!! Two of their headlining candidates, Shrillary AND Martin O'Malley both have said to black audiences that " ALL lives matter " !!! This is contrary to the racebaiter wing of THEIR party, that excludes all others to say that "black lives matter" !! O'Malley's comments were made in Arizona while speaking to a dumbascrap friendly audience about race and immigration issues.
With all the uproar about Donald Trump's non-PC speeches and quotes, and the libs "gotcha" with Rick Perry's "oops" moment" , how will the liberal media and the PC police react to THEIR OWN people not " towing the party line " ? Libs response to Shrillary and O'Malley ? >
This will get worse when certain members of the Democratic Party realize they are losing their "Advocate in Chief" and will have to depend on a White person to get things done...and they have to start worrying about "their rent and their gas" again.
OH MY GOD! ... I thought only "Black Lives Matter"... Let's see WTF, WTF thinks?
OH MY GOD! ... I thought only "Black Lives Matter"... Let's see WTF, WTF thinks? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Or what WE1911 " Mr. Agenda " thinks.
Or what WE1911 " Mr. Agenda " thinks. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Wewee is alright, I'm sure he like this video...

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  • Old-T
  • 07-20-2015, 07:29 PM
You know what you two sound like? Whistling past the graveyard telling yourselves that the Dems will self destruct.

Better you go find a viable actual Rep candidate. I hope you Reps don't screw up and hand a LWW the win because the RWWs continue to hold the Rep party at gunpoint with a Thumper view of politics.