ECCIE Worldwide is shutting down!

Lea Madisson's Avatar
ECCIE will go offline Thursday morning 12am Central time. And yes, that'll be tomorrow night!

This site is going offline for some major upgrades and will be down for several hours. I've been told that they hope to be back up by daybreak but well, that might not happen.

When Eccie does return, expect it to have some hiccups while working out whatever it is that they're doing. Just report any issues to your local mods if something happens to your topic or there is a site issue.

And who knows? The site will hopefully return and be PERFECT!

Clear as mud? I thought so! If you could share this information with your friends, it would be appreciated.


Well that's a relief! When I read the title, I thought it was shutting down for good!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Got your attention, didn't it??! LOL


Hell yeah it got my attention. I was getting seriously worried.
Lazrback's Avatar
We may encounter some of the same "issues" that we had with the last little move about a week ago, however nothing will be lost, it may be misplaced for a bit, but everything will settle in it's home as it should be.

If you encounter any issues after the fix, please let us know in this thread and we'll handle them as quickly as possible...
Got your attention, didn't it??! LOL


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Oh my, Lea! I had a mini-heart attack! Where else would I have this much fun jack-assing around? I absolutely need to be a post whore! It's who I am!!! Lol!
Hogfan69's Avatar
Yeah I was having an ASPD flashback for a second...
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Holy shit!!!! This almost gave me a heart attack!!! Pretty sure I stopped breathing. I think I need mouth to mouth.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
This is my first time logging in since last week...I looked at the date in the OP and then looked at my calendar before even reading the rest of it. I was like "hmm...this site works fine for me..." lol
I'm not seeing attachments. Is that because of this or is it possibly my computer?
Trinity Kane's Avatar
I'm not seeing attachments. Is that because of this or is it possibly my computer? Originally Posted by ConwayDude
Could possibly be either. Probably should alert the mods incase it's eccie
Well that's a relief! When I read the title, I thought it was shutting down for good! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I thought the same, I was thinking "Noooo I just signed up here not long ago" lol

I enjoy puttering around the different forums and threads, eventually making some friends and seeing some of you lovely ladies here.