Best Political Party for Hobbists?

Jimboob's Avatar
I always assumed that, with their religious right supporters, the republicans would be the least hobby friendly. But maybe I was wrong. Craigslist has gone down as a resource and
Backpage is putting more and more restrictions so it may be gone soon also. And this is with a democratic administration. Not that either party will have a Hobby Friendly Plank in their platform, which party is more tolerant to our" lifestyle"?
Iaintliein's Avatar
CoHorn's Avatar
The one not in charge
TheBizzer's Avatar
Cracking down on "human trafficking", which is the new buzzword used to induce fear and outrage in the public when discussing prostitution (not to say it doesn't exist and isn't a problem, but rather to suggest it is overused and applied to situations that do not resemble it), gets equal support across the board from both major political parties. It's easy press, and no politician wants to be seen as being soft on it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
My guess is that neither one is hobby friendly. The Democrats are probably much more concerned with what they perceive as economically coerced prostitution than with arm length independent escorts who are earning $300/hr. The Republicans are probably equally opposed to both. So I'd argue that you have a slight advantage with Democrats. But not much.
Highly recommend being independent and voting for the candidate that is more liberal on social issues but conservative on economic issues. If you are naive enough to think any politician in Texas will support prostitution, send me a PM, I got some ocean front property for sale near Amarillo.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Libertarian. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

Vote Libertarian if you want the freedom to make your own choices and take personal responsibility for the choices you make.
TexTushHog's Avatar

Vote Libertarian if you want the freedom to make your own choices and take personal responsibility for the choices you make. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I agree that you should vote libertarian if you are otherwise going to vote Republican. But if you're otherwise going to vote Democratic, please, don't throw your vote away.
  • jac01
  • 11-28-2010, 07:21 PM
Another vote for Libertarian. I think that most people are actually Libertarians, they just don't realize it. I saw this quote earlier this week and I think it applies:

"Democrats want to be your mommy. Republicans want to be your daddy. Libertarians treat you like an adult."
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The Know Nothings ca. early 1800's
oglfp12's Avatar
I don't think any of the established parties have it completely right. I am a social liberterain and fiscal conservative, but I still see a lot of appropriate involvement by government in "common good" issues (which causes me to depart from the Libertarian party). Bottom line: We should always vote, but only after studying the issues and canditates very carefully.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Another vote for Libertarian. I think that most people are actually Libertarians, they just don't realize it. I saw this quote earlier this week and I think it applies:

"Democrats want to be your mommy. Republicans want to be your daddy. Libertarians treat you like an adult." Originally Posted by jac01
The quote sounds nice, but the problem is that libertarians are like 5-year-olds – incredibly naive and somewhat delusional. Given any kind of control, libertarians would push this country off a cliff into a mess of chaos and anarchy.

The Republican and Democratic parties are both broken right now, but the principles upon which they were both founded are sound. When a toilet is plugged up with shit, you don't look for a new toilet, you plunge the toilet and get back to business. We (the voters) need to plunge Washington and get people installed there who are more interested in governing than in getting paid by lobbyists or getting blowjobs in airport toilets. Too bad that won't happen until the country goes bankrupt and our debt holders force some economic medicine on us, just as is happening to Ireland right now. That will be a humbling moment for America (just as it was for Russia) and it's inevitable unless some serious changes are made.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I agree that you should vote libertarian if you are otherwise going to vote Republican. But if you're otherwise going to vote Democratic, please, don't throw your vote away. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Because, after all, it's all in the game rather than what's best for the individual or country , eh TT?

The only "wasted" votes are those not cast, or those casts for the wrong reason.

Iaintliein's Avatar
The quote sounds nice, but the problem is that libertarians are like 5-year-olds – incredibly naive and somewhat delusional. Given any kind of control, libertarians would push this country off a cliff into a mess of chaos and anarchy.

The Republican and Democratic parties are both broken right now, but the principles upon which they were both founded are sound. When a toilet is plugged up with shit, you don't look for a new toilet, you plunge the toilet and get back to business. We (the voters) need to plunge Washington and get people installed there who are more interested in governing than in getting paid by lobbyists or getting blowjobs in airport toilets. Too bad that won't happen until the country goes bankrupt and our debt holders force some economic medicine on us, just as is happening to Ireland right now. That will be a humbling moment for America (just as it was for Russia) and it's inevitable unless some serious changes are made. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Prove it.
