Jamie Young Acted VERY weird

Ok so apparently i can't give out details although i thought that was the whole idea of this forum, but I received a message from Jamie Young that she wanted to see me. Exact same email she uses on her website plus I had emailed her first so I know it was her. I then Called and texted her and all was good. Then I txt today and she is acting very strangely asking who I am, what I want, and finally tells me that I have the wrong person. This is very strange when there wasn't anything leading up to this. Has anyone else encountered any strange behavior from her. I really wanted to see her.
I got that once from syeira (sp?) Pink and hit the ground running, she said "stop texting me, im a kid" so i lol'd and went on to the next provider i could find

Ok thats not jamie young, but ive seen that kind of behavior before
It would seem to all appearances that you did something to scare her off. I am sure she will post her side soon enough.

If I were you I would have just moved on. There is little chance she will ever see you know.
ok well I would love for her to post her side of what scared her off because I would love to know. Never in my 13 years of hobbying have i seen someone act so weird. It's not like I just contacted her. She contacted me saying she was horny and wanted some ****. No details except price and time were discussed after that. Is she too chicken shit to just tell me know if my price wasn't what she was looking for. She had agreed to it. I have no problem with a provider changing her mind. It's her body, her profession, her decision. But to act like a little 5 year old kid show a lot about who you are.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
But to act like a little 5 year old kid show a lot about who you are. Originally Posted by unteagle
you're acting like a little 5 year old kid right now. things didn't work out. these things happen. move on dude. live to hobby another day.

how am I acting like a 5 year old kid. criticized by a dumbass with a little cartoon car for an avatar. ummm actually I have received other PM's from people concerned about her because she hasn't answered their calls. People that say they either talk to her reguarly or had something scheduled. I'm just trying to see if anyone has info. So you can Blow me too? I'm not trying to bash her. Shit everyone knows she's a damn good provider. Her video is kinda getting famous. She has been nominated as having one of the best personalities. All i'm saying is why is that number not answering and all the sudden not her. Did she get in trouble, change numbers.
Oh my god. I am absolutely spechless. This couldn't be further from the truth.

unteagle, YOU emailed me last night saying that you loved my video and would love to "vouch" for me, but my rate for a BnG was a little high for you, and you were a 5 minute man and asked if I could accomodate.

I thought about and said sure, I'd take $20 off. It's the holiday and times are tough. I don't appreciate hagglers, but I do understand the economy.

You wanted to come over in 15 minutes. I was done working for the night, not to mention that was never adequate time to check your references and screen you. I emailed you back and told you this and you said "Ok I will try again tomorrow"

I emailed you today saying my schedule was pretty open, so if you were available, I had you screened and we could make an appt.

You replied by saying you had an offer from another provider for HALF of my normal BnG rate and wished you could see me to "brag" on me but you were broke.

I didn't reply -- because I was semi-insulted. If you got an offer from another provider for cheaper, by all means go see her! Don't email me that info in a way that is trying to haggle my price down even MORE to earn your business so you can "promote" me. I do well on my own, my reviews speak for themselves.

You included in your emails MANY times that you were the one who started the video thread in co-ed about my video, like I owe you for publicity or something?? You made that thread on your own, I've never met you and after writing up this BS thread that created unnecessary drama, I will add you to my Do Not See List.

As for you calling or texting me, we have never spoken via text or phone.

Unbelieveable. Shame on you.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
criticized by a dumbass with a little cartoon car for an avatar. Originally Posted by unteagle
well well well. at least you didn't get points for calling me a dumbass. but i'm not going to call you a douchebag. that would be wrong.

btw... thanks jamie...you rock!

Lol, i do believe that shoots his story to shit, but really... who is to be believed
Oh and as for the drug reference you made and then deleted -- You are stupid.

I am a senior in college taking my finals. I am a classy and conservative girl and anyone who has met me can attest to that. To speculate that I am on drugs is absolutely false and defaming. I cannot possibly understand how you could come to that conclusion when we never spoke on the phone. You are without a doubt one of the most ridiculous people I have never met.
Glad you could clear things up, miss lady...and classy as always

Who's to believe in these kinda things. I have spoken with him before and he has always been as gentlemen over the phone with me. Sorry Jamie you had to go through this.
St.Mateo's Avatar
Since all parties have had their say and to keep this from going into the sublime this one is done. Oh and I don't want to hear the word dumbass used in reference to another member. Got it ?