Hobbyist Prayer

Still Looking's Avatar

Hobbyist Prayer

Thy pussy is my Shepard; I shall fear no pimps
She maketh me lie down in motels
She leadeth me to orgasm city
She restoreth my penal dysfunction
She leadeth me toward multiple hour appointments

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of STD’S
I will fear no evil. For thy pussy be with me
Thy clitoris and thy breasts comfort me
Thou preparest a condom for me, with the drapes open
Thou annointest my member with lubricant, my boner be slick

Surely happiness and feelings of fofillment shall follow me all the days of my hobby, and I will dwell in the house of the provider forever!

Lol, I don't know what to say, really.
That is some funny shit! Make one for us providers! lol
Jack56's Avatar
I will be repeating this over and over in my mind on my next pussy run, thanks man. Don't know what I'd do without your creative insight. I now have mobile pimp protection! Praise his name.