
Beagle's Avatar

Would chicks dig this? The bodywash, I mean; not the guy.
Beagle's Avatar
A version for Apple products:

Check out all the other Old Spice vids. Funny ads.
Cityjazz's Avatar
The guy was interviewed on NPR recently... he's a former (Pro?) football player and actor, who wasn't getting many gigs before this. He sounded smart enough to be able to laugh at the persona he's created, and the ad agency has really gone to town with this campaign. As far as the guy, I'm guessing most ladies would love the guy... I suppose they'd like the smell, too. Most ladies have body wash like this in the bathrooms at their incall.
nawtynatalie's Avatar
Im sucker for a good smelling man!
runswithscissors's Avatar
oh, goodie....I am under Natalie.......I recently started trying different bodywash products; used to be just a soap and water kind of guy. This guy was on Jay Leno the other night. I would guess sales are booming on this trend.
nawtynatalie's Avatar
Oh i didn't know it was that popular! Old Spice is really trying to make a come back I smelled it in the store, it's like a magnet!