Congratulations to Abigail Rosaland ...

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
... on being named the inaugural Tarrant County Provider of the Month by the members of the Tarrant County Locker Room.

Fort Worth (West) -- Abigail Rosaland Last link check: 11/08/16
ECCIE Showcase

Next step: figuring out some tangible something to accompany the bestowing of the title. We have top men working on that. Top. Men.
TinMan's Avatar
Excellent choice by the Tarrant County Brotherhood!
pyramider's Avatar
I hope that honor also includes cash.
Abigail Rosaland's Avatar
I am very blessed to be part of Eccie and the P411 sites. I have been so very lucky to meet some wonderful men, and I am sure I will meet many more who have forever impacted my life in such a positive way. Eccie has allowed me to accomplish many goals that it would have taking me a decade to complete in a standard job. A huge thank you for everyone who has seen me, and or voted for me and shared their very precious time with me. It takes so much time, on the mans part, to be able to get away from the real world undetected. I am truly blessed and thanks to everyone who has seen me and who will see me!❤️️I am flattered to be the first provider to be honored with this!
TinMan's Avatar
Of course it does. $250, and she gets to demonstrate her appreciation for the hour.
johnclark's Avatar
I'd be happy to present her with my award. Uhh, her award.