Is this Eccie, CL, or BP. Hell, I cant tell anymore.

dongman2's Avatar
I'll take whatever heat I get for this, cause I dont even care.

I posted a simple Iso, as I am going to be in Dallas on TGiving.

I'd like to think it is pretty straightforward, reasonable ISO.

I got four replies, and not one straight answer.

One tried to tell me the reason she quoted me more was because there was a travel fee! Hello!!! you have incall, and the review from a week ago for exactly what I am looking for is less money.

So, are you trying to Carpe Diem my ass, or should I be Caveat Emptor on you.

As a consumer, this is really aggravating. No one minds paying a fair price, for a fair service. But when you get upselling, lying, dancing around the subject, it becomes annoying.

Like I said, I will take all the heat, bashings, rants you want to throw at me. But, my bottom line question is, is it really that hard to get a Blow and go for 15 minutes of time for 80 - to 100. I would like to think not.

Ladies, forgive me for this comment. Ya'll like to tell us that you charge the amounts you do because of the experience, and you want to feel a connection"

Listen up ladies, gonna say this one last damn time. 95% of the men on here, I'm guessing, could give a shit about the experience. Mostly they are looking for the nut, and little head is leading the way. The other 5%, I'm guessing , may be a little older, and want that coddling. I dont know.

So why the long ass rant about this,......I sent out a simple ISO, and did not get one simple answer, and a lot of bullshit. All I want is a quick in and out, for a fair price. Is that too much to ask?

Thanks for listening. Cheers everyone, and go Cowboys!!!
In DFW we are seeing several ladies that just respond to EVERY ISO, regardless of whether it is their market/location or not. So, slim chance that they will actually follow the instructions in the ad, because they aren't even reading it.

Second thought....It is suspected that these particular ladies have "help" with their ISO responses. Those helpers seem to just copy and paste the same message to everyone.
Can you really speak for 95 percent of our hobbyist here? It may just be about the quick nut or in and out for you...but damn near every person who contacts me for an appt is looking for something more than a wham bam ty maam...they want some type of connection...

We do have numerous brain dead providers who would reply to ISO all day even if it doesn't pertain to them...

This seems whiney...if you don't like the responses you're receiving no need for this public display of clear annoyance..move on..ask your fellow hobbyist for their reccomendations. This thread isn't going to make the providers want to jump on an appt with you
FireKitten's Avatar
"Like I said, I will take all the heat, bashings, rants you want to throw at me. But, my bottom line question is, is it really that hard to get a Blow and go for 15 minutes of time for 80 - to 100. I would like to think not."
(not sure what happened to the Quote part)

Men are from Mars..... Try some communication. Your initial posted ISO doesn't really specify shit. (Hence, many won't reply, or be just as irritated about what you really wanted, that isn't in line with their menu offerings, even if they try to accommodate.)

Nice to let us all know you are just looking for a hole. DFW doesn't generally work that way, no matter the age. Good luck with those responses.
TinMan's Avatar
I read the ad as you being open to in or outcall, and no set rate.

If you are specific, and a lady responds who clearly didn't meet the parameters, you can report the PM or post to the mods. If more people did that, it would cut down that activity.

Having said that, it starts with a clear, specific request.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Well said Analeese!!

+1 Analeese
+1 TM
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-23-2016, 05:09 AM
Everybody seems to be avoiding your initial question so let me be the first to answer it.

This is ECCIE. It says so right there on the top banner.
Grace Preston's Avatar
In regards to what the men on this site want-- you should probably just stick to speaking for yourself. There are tons of ladies, myself included, that don't even offer sessions under an hour.

Your request was about as clear as muddy water. If you have a particular price range, say so-- that will cut back on some of the problem. Not to mention, I'm a bit surprised that you didn't expect some rate jacking on a holiday. Do you think whores don't have families?
TinMan's Avatar
Unfortunately, his results may not have been much different had he been clear in his request. His complaint is a common one, even among those of us who are very careful in how we word our ISOs.

I've reported errant posts/PMs on the rare occasion I've been able to identify that the response is clearly out of bounds with the request. If more of us did so, ladies would start getting points, and they might finally get the message.
dongman2's Avatar
Thanks for responses. Some very valid points.

Maybe it was as clear as mud for some. Someone mentioned I didnt specify anything.

I asked for a SPECIFIC activity. BnG
I stated the SPECIFIC area I would be. UTD area
I asked a SPECIFIC request. PM W RATES.
Not really looking for a SPECIFIC type of provider. just one who can do the job

i know I shouldnt speak for others, but I did preface with "I am guessing", so did not mean in literal sense.

And Lastly, Thank you to the provider who said I was coming off as "Whiney", which I may very well have been. And I find it ironic, this same provider sent me a pm saying she was available.

Moving on. I will take your feedback, and send out another pm
pyramider's Avatar
Oh happiness ...
FunInDFW's Avatar
This thread isn't going to make the providers want to jump on an appt with you Originally Posted by Analeese
And I find it ironic, this same provider sent me a pm saying she was available. Originally Posted by dongman2
Heh. One can only hope said PM was after this post.
In DFW we are seeing several ladies that just respond to EVERY ISO, regardless of whether it is their market/location or not. So, slim chance that they will actually follow the instructions in the ad, because they aren't even reading it.

Second thought....It is suspected that these particular ladies have "help" with their ISO responses. Those helpers seem to just copy and paste the same message to everyone. Originally Posted by alaine
LOL right!! I take it you see it too haha
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
T giving evening bng UTD area... << only thing I understand from your post is
oh oh I got it now Thanksgiving evening ..
Up Town Dallas ?
I'm assuming UTD means University of Texas at Dallas which is near Coit/Campbell area.