Sea level data ALTERED by scientists to create false impression of rising oceans

TheDaliLama's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by TheDaliLama


when are these scientist going be investigated for data fraud???
Sea level is a fairly constant throughout the Planet. When you see a picture of someplace like Miami with flooded areas, the culprit is subcidence of the land, not the rising of the sea level.

These bozos don't realize that all of the oceans are really one body of water. If you pour a gallon of water in the Atlantic, every ocean wil in time go up a minute amount.

If the water level rises at Miami Beach, in time it will rise in Japan.

It's not happening.
Cmon guys it's well documented that this has already happened.

Manhattan has been underwater for ages now.

I don't think most liberals give a shit if the ocean has risen an inch or two - they just want the power that goes with deciding how to spend the money, then taking the glory for saving us all.
rexdutchman's Avatar
And this is a shock because they have been lying for years about CLIMATE CHANGE ,,,,
Hopefully a bit of sanity about the sea level will eventually dominate the public discourse.

Then we can quit wasting money solving a non existent problem of "man made global warming".
Sea level is a fairly constant throughout the Planet. When you see a picture of someplace like Miami with flooded areas, the culprit is subcidence of the land, not the rising of the sea level.

These bozos don't realize that all of the oceans are really one body of water. If you pour a gallon of water in the Atlantic, every ocean wil in time go up a minute amount.

If the water level rises at Miami Beach, in time it will rise in Japan.

It's not happening. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Just like in Houston, the problem in Miami and elsewhere is all the concrete, there is no place for the water to go. But then again, man is soo intelligent, NOT, we will be the reason for our own demise.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The real issue is the Army corp of engineer's The Experts that have cause many issues dikes to hold back rivers that don't draining the everglades for sugar cane that didn't work on and on ,,,, Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It's a scam.


when are these scientist going be investigated for data fraud??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Did Mann ever turn over his raw data that a judge demanded that he do years ago? Or does his earth saving data need to be a state secret?
  • oeb11
  • 06-03-2019, 02:13 PM
NY Times has forbidden any publication of opposite viewpoints to the DPST "Global Warming" narrative for some time.

Bet this does not make their pages - editorial removed!!!!
And Some DPST's complain there is no such thing as "Liberal Bias"!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It's a scam.

Did Mann ever turn over his raw data that a judge demanded that he do years ago? Or does his earth saving data need to be a state secret? Originally Posted by gnadfly

that I don't know. I know Mann's university prevented Virgina AG Cuccinelli (he's being considered for the DHS post). their claim is that their data is proprietary and can't be shared with the state. judge there upheld that claim.

there was another lawsuit with a writer and sometime radio TJ, Mark Steyn, over the defamation charge. the courts are apparently stuck on neutral. so don't know whats' going on with that. its seems the court is having problems with the defamation charge and applying the ruling fairly.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah the NYT fights for the 1st Ad expect if the story doesn't fit there narrative ,,,
Was there any scientific rigor applied to the NYT advertising edict other than "the science is settled?" Seems like there is significant scientific evidence and number of contrarian scientists to not enable a court or newspaper to conclusive prove "manmade climate change"
rexdutchman's Avatar
The ONLY Man made climate change = is the Army corp changing river's and swamps