Who has more to lose? recent bust had me thinking

This may or may not get read and responded too.. but here goes

With all the recent busts and bashing of those presumed to have flipped..i got to asking myself who had more to lose?

I mean all it takes is one look at the providers ad section to make hopefully even the most semi intelligent person go "wtf are some people thinkin".. i mean at this stage to go to LR and work has got to be stupid..no matter what screening you think you got..yet they pile in

Consider this.. after being busted..and knowing about it.. you rarely if ever see a hobbyiest return to the hobby world.. especially in regards to if they were active posters and prominent figures on the boards.. do they hobby still? perhaps..we just don't know.. but rarely do you know of hobbyiest getting popped and returning in big fashion to the boards..

Consider this.. after being busted.. more often than not, time and time again providers not only return shortly after being busted.. with or without name changes..they return, post, post ads, continue to "work" as if nothing has happened.. they return as prominent if not more so then before..

Why is this you think?

personally.. Hobbyiest this is a hobby, they spend money here, they have jobs, lives, families, reputation etc etc etc.. they do NOT make their living by being here..if anything it cost them lots of money and being busted now cost them more than that..

Providers--for many..sadly.. this is their 1 and only source of income.. they rely on the nightly calls..they have to come back after being busted especially if they plan to fight it.. could they get a job? perhaps many could.. would be hard to explain why you need off monthly at your new job for court.. a job that would let you off at a whim probably isn't gonna provide them with the lifestyle they are use to from selling pussy..

Providers need this quick cash because where else do they turn? if they fight it..lawyers cost money.. there are some..selling pussy for a reason..they can't do anything else besides strip, sell pussy or flip burgers.. perhaps they should have chose the latter to avoid being busted..

Providers return, posting ads, showing their percieved resilence..which actually its they are back..risking further trouble..because they have no other option..

I understand that no one likes a snitch.. some of ya'll..many of you..shouldn't cast stones.. you have no idea what you would do when facing the problem of losing EVERYTHING!! yes yes.. the hobby is a risk and if you worry about it you shouldn't be here.. much like calling someone names its easy in "theory" to cast judgement.. I beg any of you to get caught, have to explain to the misses why you were in jail, explain to your kids why daddy lost his job.. explain to family, friends, neighbors why you are the way you are.. cuz all it takes is getting caught, staring down the face of some cocky cop.. and the thoughts running thru your head of "what now"..

is it crappy to drag others down? HELL YES.. do any of you have any room to cast judgement.. HELL NO.. cuz you don't know what you would do till you get caught.. i highly doubt any guy is walking around going.. "ya im a pussy, if i get caught im telling EVERYTHING"..a man's ego would NOT allow him to think that way.. just like each of you..im sure the spineless guys thought they wouldn't ever tell...until he got caught and was facing losing everything..

So in the end..who has more to lose? the hobbyiest who has a secretive lifestyle that he hides constantly and spends money at.. or the provider whom depends on this..relies on this for income, who many not have "everyone" that knows..but obviously is more known in general for what she does then the anonymous hobbyiest..