Girls who HATE pimps, who are pimps themselves?

Does anyone here know of any provides who hate their clients, hate men, hate other younger providers who have low prices, who decry pimps, yet have girls in their stable whom they pimp out themselves?
I'm an outsider in this forum, but it seems you have someone specific in mind. Do tell.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Oh here we go smh
BabyDallass's Avatar
Put a name on it, I want to know who this person is myself...
GASP! Who could it be??
Put a name on it, I want to know who this person is myself... Originally Posted by BabyDallass
Really? - You REALLY want to go there?

That's funny that you would want me to put up a name after you sent me a nasty PM telling me to STFU and "leave my girls alone". "They don't even know"

I don't want to go to the trouble of learning how to attach a screen shot in a post, but I'll figure it out if you want me to. I did save it in my in box.

Your grammar was so bad that I'm not sure who you meant by "they". The girls don't know that they are being pimped? Or The members here don't know that you are pimping them?

You have ranted about your dislike of pimps multiple times in the past.
B.Wayne's Avatar
Have you tried looking in the ISO/ request forum? It doesn't sound like my cup of tea but to each their own. im sure someone will come along and meet your criteria. happy hunting.

Does anyone here know of any provides who hate their clients, hate men, hate other younger providers who have low prices, who decry pimps, yet have girls in their stable whom they pimp out themselves? Originally Posted by Initforfun
Have you tried looking in the ISO/ request forum? It doesn't sound like my cup of tea but to each their own. im sure someone will come along and meet your criteria. happy hunting. Originally Posted by B.Wayne

Yea - I found one that meets the criteria
Hogfan69's Avatar
I wouldn't post any part of a PM in public. They kind of frown on that.
Really? - You REALLY want to go there?

That's funny that you would want me to put up a name after you sent me a nasty PM telling me to STFU and "leave my girls alone". "They don't even know"

I don't want to go to the trouble of learning how to attach a screen shot in a post, but I'll figure it out if you want me to. I did save it in my in box.

Your grammar was so bad that I'm not sure who you meant by "they". The girls don't know that they are being pimped? Or The members here don't know that you are pimping them?

You have ranted about your dislike of pimps multiple times in the past. Originally Posted by Initforfun

Well since you posted on one of her girls reviews and then went full pussy asking to have it removed, it's fairly easy to see through you.

Hell, it would surprise you to know who is pimped, either directly or indirectly, however I'm sure that doesn't interest you as much as chasing BD around the boards like an asshurt choir boy.
Full pussy huh?

I just didn't think it was fair to:

1) take that dudes review out into left field


2) Not fair to the girl who may turn into a top notch, independent provider after she leaves her pimp.

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond though
Danielle Reid's Avatar
"What are you thankful for?"
"Drama during the holidays of course"
Well since you posted on one of her girls reviews and then went full pussy asking to have it removed, it's fairly easy to see through you.

Hell, it would surprise you to know who is pimped, either directly or indirectly, however I'm sure that doesn't interest you as much as chasing BD around the boards like an asshurt choir boy. Originally Posted by Das Ficker
+1! You do seem a tad bit hyper-focused on Miss Dallass, Initforfun.

You remind me of that proverbial boy who doesn't quite know how to express his feelings, so he picks on the girl he likes. You might want to just stuff an envelope for her and get it over with. Your antics are getting tiresome. Lol
Lol. You might be right. We could actually be exactly alike. A recipie for disaster to be sure.

Just pointing out the obvious.

THE most ferocious, anti pimp, pro "escorts should be the sole profiteers of their bodies", character on this board is BD. - and now she is a pimp.

Technically, should she be allowed to post ads for unverified, non members?

Should her ads be posted in the agency section? I mean,,,, She's doing the promoting, managing contacts, scheduling, taking money. Is not that exactly how an escort agency works?

No personal beef, just sayin'

Am I the only one who sees it that way?