What made you become a Provider?

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I always wonder why a lady becomes a Provider? I like all of my Providers and I always enjoy your company. I am grateful to all of you for taking good care of me and for treating me with dignity. I don't know what I would do if Providers did not exist...life would be so dull and boring for me. Thanks for all that you do ( =
Everyone has something they are good at...well there ya go!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
The company I had worked with forever starting outsourcing to the Philippines, they gave us 30 minutes notice, I was 48, a friend mentioned this ( I never knew this world existed with the exception of Craigslist) I thought Id try it for a month and ended up with the prefect way to have male companionship without the commitment ...with an added bonus..who knew?
When I was in college I lost my job coaching gymnastics due to availability (they wanted me to start coming in an hour earlier when I was still in class) they told me my priority needed to be the gym and it was school. Within two months I got kicked out of my apt and only had 5 days to find a new place to live, so I had 5 days to come up with rent, deposit, app fees etc. Being a college kid I had no money saved up and being independent I didnt want any help from my parents. I already loved variety in partners and wasn't into being monogamous, so I called a friend who was in the industry and she taught me the business...
DallasRain's Avatar
It cums naturally...."natural born slut"....lol
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Thanks for sharing your stories. I appreciate everything you do. You are awesome ( :
Paid my way thru college,, better than student loans and more fun!

Now i am just plain addicted to LOVE!!
Work cut my pay more than 1/2 and expected me to work more hours - plus he was verbally abusive, so I walked.

Around the same time, my relationship ended and I was hornier than hell. I tried doing craigslist casual encounters (wasn't ready for a relationship) and the guys were not very respectful.

So, I combined the two and loving it.
I was a dancer 20 some years ago, so the hobby was not unknown to me. I just didn't participate, too proud! I was in my mid 40's when I became a first time homeowner. In 2009 when the economy took a nose dive, I lost my job and my house went into foreclosure. I worked too darn hard to GET my house, I wasn't about to let it go! I posted my first ad on Jan. 14, 2010 and haven't looked back!
Like the other ladies, I realized that getting my heart broken and GOING broke was crazy! I LOVE being in the hobby!
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Thanks for sharing.
At first I did it out of necessity but now I do it out of pure enjoyment. I actually wrote a blog on my site about how I got started.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
These stories are consistent with the stories I have heard; in 80% of the stories, an overwhelming financial crisis causes a girl to make a desperate decision to start providing The other 20% seems to be a girl being bored and wanting some excitment or wanting a lot more sex.

But this is just what I have heard.
I have been so active all my life that everything I have done was pretty much somewhat like a "Provider" (customer service,retail,mgmt,web cams,modeling,fitness,travel,s ales,dancer,massage therapy,independent job owner etc.)

I went from each step as a kid being wild and free and having fun and multiple job fields that being a provider was AWSOME! I thought dancing and massages were cool some years back,LOve fitness,travel,priovacy,porn,w ild female friends that are open about sex,fashion,meeting people and LAST of all money....Not first because I had a manager position and became a dancer at night for years JUST for the excitement....LATER I quit and made it a career since the money was piling in at that time in my life frame...I ONLY do something if I Like it and if its just for money only then I better find something else....

So a provider (hobby world to me) is awsome! I work a job but I LOVE my incall,I can still strip with a "Home strip pole",make more use out of my heel collection and hundreds of retail clothing and lingerie I collect,Keep my massage table as added menu available,web cam in a private area when not dating or work or travel,meet new people,Get more sex toys and play with them in more then one way,Dress up or be casual for the gents,have fetish fun,still stay in modeling by doing shoots and videos and showcasing them online or my website,manage my own schedule,enjoy fitness since I work out daily and meet people that want to share at times,make income to pay for the bills of home and incall,have fun and pretty much if one thing "expires in life"......Hobby will be here and it fits my freaky little nature just fine!

And I can still live the regular life as most do just having the best of both worlds or the Variety is my happiness...Keeps life exciting!
These stories are consistent with the stories I have heard; in 80% of the stories, an overwhelming financial crisis causes a girl to make a desperate decision to start providing The other 20% seems to be a girl being bored and wanting some excitment or wanting a lot more sex.

But this is just what I have heard. Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent

You are correct! It seems as if most people do it just for income and some for being bored! I have met 3-5 providers/adult industry females in the past 7 years that actually provide for more reasons then those 2.
I was GIVING it up anyways ... but the idea of borrowing money from my mom...NO. I started out dancing, and was always aware of this world - hell I grew up watching Cathouse on HBO while my folks were asleep...it was a calling and an interest taken as a child. I know, weird. As a dancer, I never did anything, until I became carless/homeless/owed my university.