Jesse Jackson has Parkinson's Disease

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I remember my Dad telling me...

I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
pyramider's Avatar
Good, now Jesse can get a real job ... he can be a paint shaker at Home Depot.
Budman's Avatar
Fuck him. He is and always has been a shake down artist.
Too bad Al Sharptongue can't " catch " something incurable and painful also.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fuck him. He is and always has been a race baiting shake down artist. Originally Posted by Budman
ftfy. when Jesse and Sharptard die, race relations will improve overnight.


notice libtards .. that neither Al the tax dodger/racist and Jesse the racist/crook have publicly denounced Trump as a racist. Why? because they know him going way back to NYC days. and they know he's by far less racist than they are. bahahahahahaaaaaaa

hymietown anyone?? that mean something to U, assup the JINO ??

so he backed it off. whatev. he HAD TO, to save his racist asshole.

so they ain't got shit to say about that. and that's all Forest has to say about it.


bambino's Avatar
No wonder he’s been out of the public spotlight. The vain, narcissistic racist doesn’t want to be seen shaking like Michael J Fox. He doesn’t have the balls.