I love it when a lover ______________!

Ok guys, what is it that really does it for you?
Is it the way she dresses or undresses? Uses that perfume you really like? Takes her fingers and caresses you right there? The look in her eyes at that special moment? The afterglow that surrounds her?

Ladies, What does he do that pleases you?
I realize this is directed more at the ladies, but for me enthusiasm is the best aphrodisiac. When a girl seems as into me as I am into her it really makes the experience special for me. I've only been with three providers, but the second one did just that for me. I left with a memory that I'll always cherish, and think of often.
squiretuck's Avatar
when she enjoys ( or seems to me ) herself during pleasure time.
Whispers's Avatar
I love it when a lover dresses as your Avatar displays!

I don't know how many times over the years I've stressed a tremendous love for a lady that will wear white stockings with matching undergarments....

I love to pick up a woman in fresh makeup, some curl to her hair, in a nice dress ready for the nicest of restaurants or clubs and on the drive to wherever we are going, without my noticing, she has hiked the dress "just enough" to let me know that the look I love is just underneath..... Or if garters are involved she takes my hand from the Shifter and places it on her thigh where the feel of the garter meeting the stocking is unmistakable....

2nd to attire are the eyes..... Some women have those "Come Fuck Me Eyes" that you look into once and can never forget....
gman45's Avatar
Ok guys, what is it that really does it for you?
Is it the way she dresses or undresses? Uses that perfume you really like? Takes her fingers and caresses you right there? The look in her eyes at that special moment? The afterglow that surrounds her?

Ladies, What does he do that pleases you?
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
Well Tess... For me, pleasing a woman is what does it. Even tho everything above is great don't get me wrong!
Its about the conquest and pleasing her and the rest works it's self out......
I guess personally its about the hunt....
Onceler's Avatar
When I open the door and find a woman in bra, thong and heels.. telling me she wants me out of my clothes... I'm in!

...attitude is everything...
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Tess, for me it is when she walks in the room, our eyes meet, we kiss and all other moments that have clouded my day are washed away as we frolic together in wonderland.

Well i've never been with a provider but, it would be the sexy clothes she is wearing when the door opens, the look in her eyes. The way she kisses, and how wet she gets as my tounge caresses her clit. It takes some sensuality to get me going, im not the guy to walk in the door, mow you over and go to town, atleast not on the first visit.
I love when a man grabs me up in a bear hug, and squeezes, and i smell his cologne, and when he gives that come get it look. Also when he kisses me really slow and sensual, and i do like those hungry kisses.
there is a spot on the back of my neck, and when a man pushes my hair away and then just barely brushes it with his lips, takes a couple of slow warm breaths and very lightly touch it with his tongue...i will throw you down and do you but good!!
rCoder's Avatar
I love it when a lady lets me know in no uncertain terms that she wants me. Then cuddling together in the afterglow.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
I love it when she says, "You know, Monk, you're a great cook. You're really good in the

And I really love it when she says, "You know, Monk, you're a great lover. You're really good in bed."

squiretuck's Avatar
there is a spot on the back of my neck, and when a man pushes my hair away and then just barely brushes it with his lips, takes a couple of slow warm breaths and very lightly touch it with his tongue...i will throw you down and do you but good!! Originally Posted by WickedHeather
How is is that I have overlooked that spot!!!?????
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I love when she licks my ears, and whispers dirty things in them.
there is a spot on the back of my neck, and when a man pushes my hair away and then just barely brushes it with his lips, takes a couple of slow warm breaths and very lightly touch it with his tongue...i will throw you down and do you but good!! Originally Posted by WickedHeather
Oh boy that works for me too! Most women have sensitive necks!

I love it when she says, "You know, Monk, you're a great cook. You're really good in the
And I really love it when she says, "You know, Monk, you're a great lover. You're really good in bed."
Monk Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
Monk, How about if she says while in bed "Monk, your really cooking now baby!"

Well i've never been with a provider but, Originally Posted by Imreadynow31
Whatcha waiting on baby! Pick one, most won't bite ya(unless you really want them too.)