Government Trying to Censor Scientific Journals

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Here we go, let's limit the information available to the public.

Oh GAWD! Where were you when Perry wanted Fundamentalist yokel creationists to rewrite textbooks? Never mind. You were busy telling people a jetliner didn't hit the Pentagon when I have a close friend who works within four blocks of there and saw it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I wasn't in Texas at the time, but I assure you I would have opposed Gov. Perry's attempt to rewrite textbooks. Quit assuming, Stevie, it just makes you look stupider.

Oh, I have no doubt whatsoever that a jetliner flew into the Pentagon on 9/11. Quit making stuff up, too.
The SITE you CITED was a "911 Truther" site! Grow up.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Is it true or not, Stevie?
Go back to figuring out who staged the moon landing and who killed JFK before you go 9/11 Truther on us. Geeeeesh! You DO understand that "Truther" is just a label like "Birther", don't you? They are both stupid conspiracy theories for impressionable people who cannot logically see how impossible their theories really would be outside their little world of like-minded nut cases.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So I guess what they printed is true. Thanks!