Another sign of just how irrelevant the MSM is becoming.......they were in the bag for Obama in 2008 and will likely be again in 2012. Here is one of their feeble attempts......

Despite the over-fawing press in 2008, most Americans were willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt. But his failed Administration is just too damaging and America won't fall for the MSM shield his incompetance this time around in 2012.

This week's Newsweek cover:

The cover asks a VERY legitimate question about you and your Obama-hating friends.

Just what about our depression-avoiding, Bin Laden killing, pirate crushing, economy stabilizing, job loss stopping, auto-industry saving, consumer protection agency forming, pre-existing condition thwarting, Iraq War ending, Libya/Egypt freeing, Syria destabilizing President are you saying you have enough LEGITIMATE reasons to hate?
I B Hankering's Avatar
The cover asks a VERY legitimate question about you and your Obama-hating friends.

Just what about our depression-avoiding, Bin Laden killing, pirate crushing, economy stabilizing, job loss stopping, auto-industry saving, consumer protection agency forming, pre-existing condition thwarting, Iraq War ending, Libya/Egypt freeing, Syria destabilizing President are you saying you have enough LEGITIMATE reasons to hate?
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
You forgot to add that he can probably tie his own shoe laces in the morning, and that’s “North Africa and Middle East destabilizing.”
You forgot to add that he can probably tie his own shoe laces in the morning, and that’s “North Africa and Middle East destabilizing.” Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No copy and pasted insults and you even put some NEW WORDS in your post? What a milestone. Did you sneak out and color the book at the Bush Library today, Dumbass? I really miss your copying and pasting "pathetic", "worming out" and "liar"! Did you count how many times you did that yesterday?
I B Hankering's Avatar
No copy and pasted insults and you even put some NEW WORDS in your post? What a milestone. Did you sneak out and color the book at the Bush Library today, Dumbass? I really miss your copying and pasting "pathetic", "worming out" and "liar"! Did you count how many times you did that yesterday? Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Slow are you? You can't keep up? You are still being a hypocrite.

As to the rest, check around, you'll see it soon enough.
You just can't take a compliment. Did your parents spank you as a baby and discover, too late they were hitting you in the head because it looked so much like your butt?
I B Hankering's Avatar
You just can't take a compliment. Did your parents spank you as a baby and discover, too late they were hitting you in the head because it looked so much like your butt? Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Sounds like you are recalling traumatic moments from your childhood. Remember, this is a SHMB, and you really shouldn't out yourself that way.
I take comfort in knowning that Little Stevie thinks the Newsweek cover is great. A sign that middle Americans (electoral votes in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Indiana) will go for the other guy (Romney).

Little Stevie is so far left of the spectrum, his postings represent a meter reading of how real world Americans feel and vote.
Oops! I am going to have to retract this because IB Dumb and COG are going to wear out their hind legs lifting them to piss on every post in the Sandbox. It's a runaway case of "last worditis" that afflicts post bullies who occupy the lower rungs of the intelligence ladder.

Yes, Whirly! The cover speaks the truth!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Stevie I read EXACTLY what you wrote above a couple of days ago. Now, you are either cut and pasting or you're repeating yourself. Which is it?

You have to lay off the Kool Aid.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't have "last worditis"! Prove it! And what can you expect from someone who thinks that just because Obama lies and funnels millions of tax dollars to his friends it makes him a lousy President.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oops, sorry JD, did you want the last word this time?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oops! I am going to have to retract this because IB Dumb and COG are going to wear out their hind legs lifting them to piss on every post in the Sandbox. It's a runaway case of "last worditis" that afflicts post bullies who occupy the lower rungs of the intelligence ladder. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
"Post bullies"! You are the superlative hypocrite!

BTW, think of it more as the dawn of intelligence breaking through the fog of your idiocy. It's more apropos.