Russia rules out talks.

Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar

Not really all that shocking...
Didn't this all start when the President of Urkraine was run out of the Country because he wanted to ally the Country with Russia instead of the EU. No election was held, he was just forced to leave.

They were able to do this because apparently the Ukranian Constitution isn't worth the ink committed to it.

This allows would be dictators such as Putin to take the high ground, much as thugs have done in past history.

But then, any Constitution that can be changed easily, or simply ignored, is worthless.

Which should be a lesson to us here in the USA. Our Constitution was deliberately made extremely difficult to change so it would not be subject to the petty whims of the moment of Demogogues and Despots.

Any time you here a polititian talk about how we should change our Constitution so it is more of a " living document", be very wary.

I suspect the Ukrainian Constitution is a "living document".

Back to the Ukraine. Once you have sucked a dick, you are a cocksucker for the rest of your life. Once you illegally throw one polititian out of office, then you have opened yourself up for the consequences that will follow.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
The president was loyal to Russia and anti EU. He aligned himself with Putin/Russia in rejecting EU membership. The people want EU membership, not further distance from Western Europe.
The president was loyal to Russia and anti EU. He aligned himself with Putin/Russia in rejecting EU membership. The people want EU membership, not further distance from Western Europe. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
There are a lot of people who think President Obama is a two bit little twerp demagogue who goes against the will of many people all of the time. But we wait for elections to change things, or do it according to our Constitution.

But then, maybe the Ukrainian Constitution says that if a group of polititians get enough protesters in the streets, they don't have to wait for "elections".

Some might define that as "mob rule".

That is good until the next guy wants you out.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-06-2014, 02:31 PM
here's a novel concept

Fuck Russia.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I agree. What I found baffling was the idea Ukraine was anti-semetic. The Jews living there were equally shocked. Putin simply was trying to stir up trouble were there was none to be found.

here's a novel concept

Fuck Russia. Originally Posted by CJ7
TheDaliLama's Avatar
here's a novel concept

Fuck Russia. Originally Posted by CJ7

I'm with you Buddy!
Let's take them out.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-06-2014, 03:59 PM
I'm with you Buddy!
Let's take them out. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Putin is YOUR Hero

Russia isn't worth the sweat off this countrys balls.. F U C K T H E M
LexusLover's Avatar
There are a lot of people who think President Obama is a two bit little twerp demagogue who goes against the will of many people all of the time. But we wait for elections to change things, or do it according to our Constitution. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Too bad the "two bit little twerp demagogue" doesn't abide by the Constitution.
Too bad the "two bit little twerp demagogue" doesn't abide by the Constitution. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, that is the fault of the Congress. The Constitution gives a very definite remedy when a President, or a member of the Judiciary, oversteps it's bounds. It is called impeachment and removal.

But what we have now is one house of the Congress, the Senate, controlled by a party that would much rather stay busy giving the President a blow job with a two finger reach around than curbing his abuse of power.

These are the people who put Party first, and Country second. It is a flaw in our system. That leaves only elections. But when you reach the point to where those that take outnumber those that put in, then you are stuck with smarmy little Demagogues who are willing to promise these voters anything, while rarely delivering on anything.

The best example of this is the Black Communities almost universal support for anything the a Democrat will run on. But what has it got them since the greatest panderer of all time, Lyndon Johnson, herded them all into slum projects and told them they could be sorry and lazy, the Government would take care of
them? The highest out of marriage birth rate, the highest imprisonment of it's young men, and the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups.

Idiocrasy is here.
cowboy8055's Avatar
The president was loyal to Russia and anti EU. He aligned himself with Putin/Russia in rejecting EU membership. The people want EU membership, not further distance from Western Europe. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
Not all the people want EU membership. It's mostly western Ukraine that wants to join. Not so much with the east. Not surprising since many eastern Ukrainians are ethnic Russians. Crimea didn't want membership either. In fact, they overwhelmingly voted to go with Russia. The whole Ukraine mess is the result of an EU power play.
Saw Putin hosting the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell at his house last week. Sanctions my ass. Russia doesn't seem to rule out talks with oil men.
LL, that is the fault of the Congress. The Constitution gives a very definite remedy when a President, or a member of the Judiciary, oversteps it's bounds. It is called impeachment and removal.

But what we have now is one house of the Congress, the Senate, controlled by a party that would much rather stay busy giving the President a blow job with a two finger reach around than curbing his abuse of power.

These are the people who put Party first, and Country second. It is a flaw in our system. That leaves only elections. But when you reach the point to where those that take outnumber those that put in, then you are stuck with smarmy little Demagogues who are willing to promise these voters anything, while rarely delivering on anything.

The best example of this is the Black Communities almost universal support for anything the a Democrat will run on. But what has it got them since the greatest panderer of all time, Lyndon Johnson, herded them all into slum projects and told them they could be sorry and lazy, the Government would take care of
them? The highest out of marriage birth rate, the highest imprisonment of it's young men, and the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups.

Idiocrasy is here. Originally Posted by Jackie S

/thumbs up/
/thumbs up/ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It's done like this!
It's done like this! Originally Posted by bigtex
That's how you "sheeple" do it... sheepon sheepen on