Was I wrong?

So I just noticed a review that I am almost positive is fake (I will explain why later)
generally if I see that someon wasnt 100% satisfied with my services I try to contact them & appologize. But when I read this review which wasnt even that bad I wanted to choke someone just off general principal.THEY LIED

First off I have only seen one new client this week and he came back 3 days in a row and tipped extra each time.

He said the girl he saw was african american (Im dominican you can look at my pics and in person and clearly see that I am hispanic. Ray Charles & Stevie Wonder could see that)

He said he couldnt tell if I smoke ( now you mean he came into my condo and yet managed to miss the multiple ashtrays, the packs of newports or the fact that I make a point to point out where the ashtrays are incase my clients smoke right before I offer them a drink when they first arrive )

So who is this new random reviewer who got everything wrong? hmmm

Now to my issue this bastard posted that I saw him for $20!!
So now not only am I looking at a not so positive review (he called me dull...lol) But now this person is trying to tarnish my reputation by trying to make me look like a cheap streetwalking crackhead !!! Wait no I think even they charge more than $20.

I was so pissed I had to Pm him, My girlfriend said I was wrong for my message, what yall think

the message is as follows:

You know what I am sorry that you were unsatisfied with my service.
If I even really saw you. and generally I would have contacted you to try to make it up to you but honestly after what you just did im glad you had a terrible time.

Posting a bad review thats truthful is fine, but How dare you tarnish my reputation by posting that I saw you for $20 like im some streetwalking crackhead. I will be contacting the mods to make sure that bullshit is removed.

Did I go too far or was I entitled to confront them like this?
$20 doesnt mean 20 bucks.
just my 2 cents.it has been discussed several times that a negative rebuttal to a review can do more harm than good,i have not read the review in question,but everyone has a different opinion,But this guy cant be a mystery to you,because you texted him back
i didnt text him i responded to his eccie review.
His review was not my issue, it honestly wasnt that bad
My issue is the question of its authenticity & the fact that he stated I charged him 20$ for a session.

If I get a bad review from a client I know I saw and he is not flat out lying I wouldnt say anything to anyone but that client. and i would be saying sorry for their discontent.

This $20 thing is killing me though

Honestly he could have at least said $80 in his lie I would have been still been offended but at least it wasnt crackhead cheap....lol
bodilly's Avatar
i didnt text him i responded to his eccie review.
His review was not my issue, it honestly wasnt that bad
My issue is the question of its authenticity & the fact that he stated I charged him 20$ for a session.

If I get a bad review from a client I know I saw and he is not flat out lying I wouldnt say anything to anyone but that client. and i would be saying sorry for their discontent.

This $20 thing is killing me though

Honestly he could have at least said $80 in his lie I would have been still been offended but at least it wasnt crackhead cheap....lol Originally Posted by JahiaraQ


You have a$20 in call special listed in your ad for today.You do realize that $20 =120. Lowgear is right about posting replies to your reviews it hardly ever makes the provider look good.
Also I think if you look at you your reviews there is a report button that is probably the best way to dispute a fake review.
i just read the review in question,honestly the guy seemed sincere,he did not bash you at all,maybe you were not into him,or did not fake a good time for him,he said he thought you were dull,this is my opinion like this was his opinion,i think it was a true review and not a fake,because if it was fake i dont think he would have said you were dull,i think he would have trashed you.as for the price i think everyone believes it was 200 not 20,if so you would not have time to be in front of the computer unless you were that bad of a provider,there are many ladies who are 5 star providers who have gotten negative reviews,it looks like you are new to the board ,so you have time to prove who you really are,You have some good reviews by some trusted dawgs,so try and stay out of a pissing contest and build your reputation,remember different strokes for different folkes
thank u mr big nuts,
and like i said the review wasnt my issue hun good or bad if its mine I will own it

I was pissed because I felt I was being accused of crackhead rates thanx for clearing that up for me.

I still highly doubt the authenticity though, how can you see someone and not notice the persons race? That isnt important though as long as i am not being called a $20 crack hoe im cool...lol
kudos to you bodilly you made my day. I was really upset behind that
@Lowgear thanx.

The $20 thing was my only issue. Trivial as it my seem I was offended by that and only that.

And honestly you would not believe what crap some guys try to pull so somethin saying $20 can cause waaay too many unwanted idiots calling (including the idiot who brought the post to my attention wanting to know when i would be taking $20 half hour calls again and why i didnt advertise that special)

Like I said before I didnt feel the review was really that bad.
Shamblin's Avatar
Just my 2 cents worth - I don't think anyone understood him to mean twenty bucks, I know I did not. If they had I believe your phone would be ringing off the hook.

You are a good looking lady and I hope to meet you some day soon.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just my 2 cents worth - I don't think anyone understood him to mean twenty bucks, I know I did not. If they had I believe your phone would be ringing off the hook.

You are a good looking lady and I hope to meet you some day soon. Originally Posted by Shamblin
@ JahiaraQ - My sentiments are exactly the same.
LilRed's Avatar
Sorry that you got yourself so upset. Even us oldies are still learning things! This job falls in a category all it's own. It has it's own rules and language. Hell, I'm still looking up the acronyms in my reviews sometimes and I was there! No matter how good you are and how great your service is, there will still be clients that we just don't click with. And that will sometimes be seen in our reviews. But if you have 20 great reviews and just one that says your dull, guys are going to see it as YMMV. Your good reviews will stand out. Just so you know though, when in reviews, the symbol $ means $100. So just keep your head up, let it roll off your shoulders and don't let it interfere with your next appt. Just keep giving good service and enjoy yourself!
gimme_that's Avatar
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gimme_that's Avatar
He said the girl he saw was african american (Im dominican you can look at my pics and in person and clearly see that I am hispanic. Ray Charles & Stevie Wonder could see that)

.....He said he couldnt tell if I smoke...... Originally Posted by JahiaraQ
Well you did point out in one of your ads your feature in "Blacktail magazine." Surely someone mistaken you for black or saying you are AA looking, yellowboned, or black in some capacity is that wrong or malicious. If I didn't see words latina or hispanic and just went on pictures alone, I might say you were black with a mix of something. That's unless I asked you to know for sure.

Therre was a lady on this board recently who was pissed guys called her black cause she was nigerian. But she was in fact black. Your situation in a way reminds me of a asian person being upset because you call them the wrong nationality.....how can you tell the difference...the look is the same. Sorry sir...I didn't know you were korean.

For some hobbyist your either black, white, neither, or either (my choice as it doesn't matter).

On the smoking thing....he may have meant when he was in session with you....he couldn't tell you were smoking.....sort of like not having a lingering smell of it in session. Sometimes guys say that in that capacity.

But you definitely got reviews from some hobbyisst I consider legit......no need to defend yourself....u got some good vouches.

If you didn't have black in you, you hopefully would while seeing me.....lol.
No matter how good you are and how great your service is, there will still be clients that we just don't click with. And that will sometimes be seen in our reviews. But if you have 20 great reviews and just one that says your dull, guys are going to see it as YMMV. Your good reviews will stand out.

...let it roll off your shoulders and don't let it interfere with your next appt. Just keep giving good service and enjoy yourself! Originally Posted by LilRed
Well you did point out in one of your ads your feature in "Blacktail magazine." Originally Posted by gimme_that
Good points LilRed & Gimme.

Jahiara. Ignore negative reviews. The providers who attempt to respond to them almost always come off looking bad. Yes, I KNOW your feelings are hurt, but just let it go.

Just deliver quality service consistently... (lemme repeat that: DELIVER QUALITY SERVICE CONSISTENTLY)... and soon the positive reviews will far outnumber the bad.
I don't think you are wrong to dispute a review if you feel it's incorrect. Click the report to MOD button and present your case. No biggie.

I think what they guys are saying is the drama that is often associated with a dispute is what they would like to see people steer clear of. I am sure they share your concern about people posting fake reviews to 1)inflate a provider's rep; 2)destroy a provider's rep or 3)get BCD without the effort.

A review board is supposed to be about the exchange of information and I'm sure none of the guys - and MODS - want to see people manipulating the system by knowingly posting misinformation.