An anonymously public apology to Egyptian_Plays

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Last night I scheduled a meeting with the buxom Nubian. All things went cordially as planned until my power nap. As it happens, I set my alarm to wake an hour and a half before our eyes meet. But I slept right through the buzzing sound. So I wake up and read the texts and my heart sank. Nothing unexpected and far beyond rude, but I did feel stupid.

So for those who want to poke fun at me for posting this, go right ahead. For those who can appreciate the gesture, a big thanks. Even though I don't own a suit and tie, I still consider myself a gentleman, if less than a man of my word.

For and the person who was rescheduled because of my dullness, my apologies.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Things happen sometimes, it shows what a true gentleman you are to post this. Hopefully, she'll see this and give you a second chance.

tbone77494's Avatar
I'm guessing scotch was involved? Anyway - good move to apologize. Schedule again and give her a nice tip and I'm guessing all is well that ends well.
It does take guts to do what you did by apologizing. So, that right there just shows....YOU ARE A GENTLEMAN. And I agree with ^^^^^ tbone77494. Hopefully she will see this and forgive you for taking a nap. And yes a big tip would be in order.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Kudos for setting a fine example!

Kudos. Always nice to see a Gentleman, regardless of ownership of particular garments. It is the man inside, not the threads, that a Gentile person makes.
HobbyNinja's Avatar
Classy move by OP
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Good job Op...
Polite and precise!
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Nothing wrong with being a Gentleman. Good job, sir. Now,reschedule with her and give her a tip to help smooth things over.
If you really want to be a gentleman pay her for wasting her time when she could have set another appointment and made money.
Apologies are good but they dont pay the bills.
And yes i have NCNS'ed someone and paid her anyway.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Somehow I would have expected that reply from the Traveling Gentleman for my indirect jab at his welcome thread. But I digress. He's probably on a plane with no access to the interwebs.