Will Hillary be the Democratic Party's 2016 nominee?

I did not support Hilary in 2008 and have not jumped on her bandwagon in the months leading up to the 2016 election year. With that said, it appears to me that October (2015) has been a very good month for Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was under tremendous pressure to perform well in the 1st Democratic debate and she responded with an excellent performance.

Shortly thereafter, several previously announced and one unannounced (Uncle Joe) Democratic rival(s) decided not to oppose her during the upcoming primary season. Leaving Senator (Feel The Bern) Sanders and Governor O'Malley as the only remaining 2016 Democratic Primary rivals.

If that was not enough, the Republican Party handed her a series of huge gifts. First and foremost, there was the announcement by a respected, high level Republican Party leader (Congressman Kevin McCarthy) that the Benghazi hearings were not so much about the tragedy itself, but an effort to diminish her huge poll numbers.

Following that, the Republican Party took it a step further by extending Hillary's much anticipated, Benghazi hearing into Prime Time. It was almost as if Congressman Trey Gowdy (SC) wanted everybody to personally witness Hillary's eventual coronation!

Following 11+ grueling hours of testimony, Hillary emerged as refreshed and energized. Meanwhile, her Republican interrogator's appeared tired, withdrawn and defeated. It was almost as if the Republican Party is doing its best to confirm that Congressman McCarthy told the "truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" in his previous statement.

Obviously, a lot can happen between now and election day 2016 but it is beginning to look like the Republican Party is doing everything within its power to return the Clinton Family to the White House in 2017. ijs

An opinion piece from FAUX News follows:

I did not support Hilary in 2008 and have not jumped on her bandwagon in the months leading up to the 2016 election year. With that said, it appears to me that October (2015) has been a very good month for Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was under tremendous pressure to perform well in the 1st Democratic debate and she responded with an excellent performance.

Shortly thereafter, several previously announced and one unannounced (Uncle Joe) Democratic rival(s) decided not to oppose her during the upcoming primary season. Leaving Senator (Feel The Bern) Sanders and Governor O'Malley as the only remaining 2016 Democratic Primary rivals.

If that was not enough, the Republican Party handed her a series of huge gifts. First and foremost, there was the announcement by a respected, high level Republican Party leader (Congressman Kevin McCarthy) that the Benghazi hearings were not so much about the tragedy itself, but an effort to diminish her huge poll numbers.

Following that, the Republican Party took it a step further by extending Hillary's much anticipated, Benghazi hearing into Prime Time. It was almost as if Congressman Trey Gowdy (SC) wanted everybody to personally witness Hillary's eventual coronation!

Following 11+ grueling hours of testimony, Hillary emerged as refreshed and energized. Meanwhile, her Republican interrogator's appeared tired, withdrawn and defeated. It was almost as if the Republican Party is doing its best to confirm that Congressman McCarthy told the "truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" in his previous statement.

Obviously, a lot can happen between now and election day 2016 but it is beginning to look like the Republican Party is doing everything within its power to return the Clinton Family to the White House in 2017. ijs

An opinion piece from FAUX News follows:

http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/...old-truth.html Originally Posted by bigtex
She'll be nominate, then elected. She will conduct business anyway she feels fit. If anyone or any group gets in her way she will destroy them. She will continue taking this country in the same direction where Obama left off. Our Military will continue to trample from one country to the next in the Middle East. The middle class will continue to be the financial backbone of the country with no end in sight. The immigration problem will not improve. Although she knows she'll never get guns from American citizens. She'll keep the gun control issue alive and well proposing ridiculous measures that will not thwart gun violence. Ect, ect, ect.

Don't give up so quick, the election is over a year away. Stuff happens.........LOL
Don't give up so quick, the election is over a year away. Stuff happens.........LOL Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yeah, maybe she'll go hunting with Dick Cheney, lol.

Yes, Hillary will be the Democrat Nominee.

One thing that bothers me is we will then have 4 and maybe 8 more years of having a President that no less than 38% of the Country absolutly hates with a passion.

That 38% manafeasted in Democrats during the Bush years, Republicans during the Obama years.

It's a product of the Electorial System we use to elect Presidents. The fact that an Electorial "landslide" can be had without a candidate even getting a majority of the vote leads to false mandates, and the "executive rule" we have with the current President.

This is really nothing new in Presidential Politics. The big difference now is a rising class that for lack of a better word, votes for a living.

America is on a downward spiral. It is happening for the very reason that several of our founding fathers warned about. That being, a Democratic Republic can survive up until the time that the electorate learns that they can elect demagogues who will promise them something for nothing in exchange for their vote.

We are there.
Yeah, maybe she'll go hunting with Dick Cheney, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If only we ( and Slick Willy ! ) could be so lucky !
I did not support Hilary in 2008 and have not jumped on her bandwagon in the months leading up to the 2016 election year. With that said, it appears to me that October (2015) has been a very good month for Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was under tremendous pressure to perform well in the 1st Democratic debate and she responded with an excellent performance.

Shortly thereafter, several previously announced and one unannounced (Uncle Joe) Democratic rival(s) decided not to oppose her during the upcoming primary season. Leaving Senator (Feel The Bern) Sanders and Governor O'Malley as the only remaining 2016 Democratic Primary rivals.

If that was not enough, the Republican Party handed her a series of huge gifts. First and foremost, there was the announcement by a respected, high level Republican Party leader (Congressman Kevin McCarthy) that the Benghazi hearings were not so much about the tragedy itself, but an effort to diminish her huge poll numbers.

Following that, the Republican Party took it a step further by extending Hillary's much anticipated, Benghazi hearing into Prime Time. It was almost as if Congressman Trey Gowdy (SC) wanted everybody to personally witness Hillary's eventual coronation!

Following 11+ grueling hours of testimony, Hillary emerged as refreshed and energized. Meanwhile, her Republican interrogator's appeared tired, withdrawn and defeated. It was almost as if the Republican Party is doing its best to confirm that Congressman McCarthy told the "truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" in his previous statement.

Obviously, a lot can happen between now and election day 2016 but it is beginning to look like the Republican Party is doing everything within its power to return the Clinton Family to the White House in 2017. ijs

An opinion piece from FAUX News follows:

http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/...old-truth.html Originally Posted by bigtex
Well Cotex, I respect your for sticking by your love for the Clinton's . Sincerely. At least you have the courage of your ( misguided ) convictions. And don't waffle from poll to poll like woomby to back whomever is the latest to don the mantle of the " most socialist " and who can give woomby the most free shit with the least amount of effort by woomby. I hate the liberal philosophy with all my being, but can respect a person that is true to their convictions. Salute !
I respect your for sticking by your love for the Clinton's . Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Gay ReytardoIdiot, apparently you missed the very first sentence (of the very first post) of this thread. You really should pay closer attention!

I clearly stated the following:

I did not support Hilary in 2008 and have not jumped on her bandwagon in the months leading up to the 2016 election year. Originally Posted by bigtex
The one thing that I really do like about Hillary is the way she makes the Far Right Wing-Nut Idiots (such as Gay ReytardoIdiot) squirm.
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Bonnie and Clyde.
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Absolutely, Democrats love a liar.
Absolutely, Democrats love a liar. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Why do "Democrats Love" LexiLiar?
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Bonnie and Clyde. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I did not support Hilary in 2008 ... Originally Posted by bigtex
That's not my recollection. You were a massive Hillary supporter until she lost the nom to Barack. Now whether that qualifies as "in 2008" is another question. Your x-ray 20-20 hindsight is disputable.

Democrats do love a liar! I believe the Benghazi panel actually improved her standing because they had indisputable proof she lied about the terrorist attack not being caused by the video. I'm sure some of her lesbian supporters got huge hard ons when she got away with it.

Bonnie and Clyde. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hahaha, we know what happened to them.

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That's not my recollection. You were a massive Hillary supporter until she lost the nom to Barack. L. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Your recollection is wrong.