Cold Nipples

TryWeakly's Avatar
I love em, just like the next guy.

But a PSA regarding icy road conditions we may have upon us in the next couple of days would be prudent.

Some of you may remember the nasty ice storm of 94-95 .... where the driverTards thought they could drive like they normally do.... you can't.

Here is a link that might prove useful:

Be careful out there !

(just for good measure, but not necessary, feel free to share your cold nips UITB)
Fancyinheels's Avatar
My nips could cut glass right now! Just came in from securing the tenting blown off one of my prized orange trees. The Irish Chihuahua Refuge in the deep, dark, spooky woods north of Houston is covered in a white crunchy layer. Sleeting hard right now, little pellets bouncing, a few snowflakes whirling in the wind. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! According to the TV, roads and bridges are closing all over the place, and what ice lands on the ground is going to linger as the temps won't rise above freezing until tomorrow. Stay the %#*@ home, people!

Jeez, I thought that we lived in the WARM South?

Listen... on the way to check the mail this morning, I slipped and bust my ass on the concrete. Now, if I can’t walk on the shit.. what makes you think I’m going to drive in these conditions? (Rhetorical question not aimed at OP). I know I’m clumsy but I’ll take my chances inside.
TryWeakly's Avatar
No worries..

Ifn you have rock salt, aka Ice Cream Maker salt, sprinkle that on your driveway and walkways. It lowers the freezing temperature of water and should help with slippage.

As an aside, it (rock salt) also works great in the ice cooler.... makes great slushie in the bottle in no time.
stiffwood7's Avatar
I feel ur pain (cold)...minus the butt cheek or pride
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Well I went out in it without slips, and falls.. Im more upset that my bank is closed two days in row, trying to do my banking before I leave town again in 2days..

Everyone stay warm,and safe out there..
  • tth
  • 01-16-2018, 02:51 PM
Pics of those glass cutting nipples would be great for those of us that can’t get out...