Normally I support the police

but they had him in handcuffs and even if the guy was a drunken asshole, they should have let him breathe.

Very unfortunate incident and the Minneapolis cops took it too far, unfortunately.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-27-2020, 05:07 PM
Those cops deserve to fry for what they did. That's some straight up bull shit.
LexusLover's Avatar
Besides it provided good citizens an opportunity to escape quarantine ....

.... and to steal and burn ....!
LexusLover's Avatar
At least they are wearing masks .... well ... some of them anyway.

We get to see a video of a cop executing a person in custody. It’s not a bad camera angle, no opinion. The cop has his knee firmly on the persons neck, pinning him down, cutting off his air and blood flow to his head.,

A Mafia hit man could not have done it better with a garrot.

And you have another cop standing there, just looking.

Who the fuck are these guys? Who trained them? How could somebody this stupid be given a commission as a Police Officer.

Now we have the obligatory looting and mayhem. The police fuck up, a man is dead, I get a new TV.

I guess it’s the American way.
bambino's Avatar
Meanwhile, a cop was shot and killed in North Dakota last night. No riots or fanfare.
At least they are wearing masks .... well ... some of them anyway.

Originally Posted by LexusLover
With such a perfect excuse to steal shit while wearing a disguise, why not wear a mask?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You can still support the cops, just not those assholes.
I still wonder if the person did anything to provoke the police officer. Part of the issue is that courts keep letting people out and the same people keep committing the same crime. So it gets frustrating when you arrest the same person over and over and the criminals get more disrespectful all the time.

Just frustrating that we almost never get to see or hear the whole story. The police were probably still wrong, but it would be nice to see the whole context.
What "whole story" would justify his behavior?
HedonistForever's Avatar
What "whole story" would justify his behavior? Originally Posted by kuhoplite

NONE is the unequivocal answer BUT, what causes the police to exert this kind of force, taking someone to the ground, is resisting arrest. That's what we would have seen, I have no doubt. We see it all the time. "What are you arresting me for" while pulling away from an officer, resisting the handcuffs. Very little to none of these deaths caused by resisting arrest like the Eric Garner case in New York, would happen if the offender merely submitted to arrest or merely being detained in cuffs for the protection of the police and offender.

Having said that, when an offender is on the ground in cuffs, he is done. He should have been helped up to his feet and placed in a patrol car. There was absolutely no justification for having a knee on the neck of a man already in cuffs. I have no doubt what so ever that this officer will be charged with negligent manslaughter and possibly 2nd degree murder as these laws vary from state to state.

Also having said that, nothing justifies looting and burning. Every person that did that belongs in jail. You want to protest, demonstrate peacefully in front of city hall. If you want to fight in the streets with police, you will have nothing more than more injuries and more arrests. Hold Mayor's and City Council members accountable for these things. It is in the hands of the voters IF you choose your right to vote which I would bet my life, the majority of the people in those crowds do not do.
I still wonder if the person did anything to provoke the police officer. Part of the issue is that courts keep letting people out and the same people keep committing the same crime. So it gets frustrating when you arrest the same person over and over and the criminals get more disrespectful all the time.

Just frustrating that we almost never get to see or hear the whole story. The police were probably still wrong, but it would be nice to see the whole context. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Just like those Cops, you don’t get it.

It makes absolutely no difference what he did. Period. Once he is down and subdued, you cannot use any kind of force that could cause severe bodily harm or in this case, death.

There is no “context” that justifies the police actions.
What "whole story" would justify his behavior? Originally Posted by kuhoplite
That he kept trying to flee even handcuffed? Or he made threatening remarks to the cops?

That said, nobody benefits from dying in police custody.

Also, "shutting down a freeway by protests" should be a considered a terrorist act.

IMO, this behavior is worsened by people being "locked down" for months.
LexusLover's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
You can still support the cops, just not those assholes. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
It in no way condones excessive force by officers, but typically the excessive force situations follow a failure on the part of a citizen to cooperate with the officers when they are handcuffing them and/or otherwise secure them so they cannot harm themselves, others, and/or the officers involved. Attempting to "resolve" the conflict at the scene by the use of forceful resistance will usually end bad for the citizen.

I saw footage the other day of a vehicle chase near San Antonio that ended in the fleeing vehicle stopping, the driver exiting with a pistol, and the driving initiating shooting at the first highway patrolman on the scene. He managed to hit the trooper in the right arm, but the driver was put down by gunfire and later died at the hospital. Based upon what I saw of the wound it ended his career and livelihood, unless they could put him on a desk at a driver's license facility or pushing paper somewhere.

I didn't hear any reports of DPS troopers looting stores, burning property, and stealing shit.