Ember Simmers - schedule with caution

Here is my experience with Ember.

Date 1: She cancelled 45 min before our session. Says she had a yeast infection. No big deal. Stuff like this happens.

Date 2: I drive up to her incall and no response. 15 minutes after we were scheduled to meet I'm about to drive off and she says she has to cancel because her apt is flooded. I ask her if we can reschedule at my place since I live nearby. No response. No apology, not a single attempt to reschedule.

At this point I'm thinking that this is a huge red flag but I give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she really did have her apt flood. Still no big deal. I was super nice and understanding.

Date 3: no call no show. Doesn't even offer any kind of explanation when I send a follow up email.

Makes me believe that the first 2 dates were bogus excuses as well.

Moving on. Anyone who is that unprofessional and inconsiderate does not deserve my time and money.

Please beware when scheduling, especially if don't live nearby.
PeterBota's Avatar
She's off my tdl
I've heard this alot on this girl
Ember Simmers's Avatar
I deemed this dude physco and stopped responding to his 80 emails a long time ago.
I guess I should have never spoken to him considering he signs his emails "Joe Shithead".

He is just mad I won't see him.

So don't engage with this dude ladies or he will start writing crap about u on the boards because he is butt hurt.

-and side note: why in the hell would I go to your house while my APARTMENT is FLOODING?! At that point I'm waiting for maintenance and moving crap. Ur dick wasn't a priority anymore... so no I wasn't going to see u at ur place!!
pmdelites's Avatar
now this is a great NCNS story!

reminds me of the mock jury trials i was on - each side sounds reasonable, logical, and plausible.
and it's left to us, the "jury", to decide which side wins this argument.

or just sit back and watch/read.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
That yeast infection story seems to be a common part of her repertoire. I had an appointment cancelled in the same manner for the same reason.

How do I know I was being lied to? There was a review posted for her the same day that I was cancelled on. As she has limited hours, I know that I was cancelled on for someone else. There won't be a chance for it to happen again.

Bestman200600's Avatar
I saw her a year ago when she visited Houston and had no problems at all. Large breasts and her cowgirl rocks.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
WTF is she doing to have so many yeast infections. Is she a baker/Provider for Bimbo Bakeries?

This is my last post on this. I'm not going to get into the name calling (he said/she said drama)

There's nothing else to the story. We were on completely good terms. We had an appointment scheduled. She either forgets about our apt or gives my slot to someone else. Then gets mad when I tell the forum about what happened.
FunInDFW's Avatar
OP sounds cool headed, understands sometimes things happens, says to be cautious instead of avoid. Provider comes in tits blazing and doesn't refute what is said. Who to believe here...
Ember Simmers's Avatar
I get yeast infection cuz you dudes are dirty and can't figure out how to wash your hands properly. I should probably start to refuse FIV too...

And I love when a provide responds and all the sudden she isn't cool headed.
But if I don't respond, I'm guilty. LOSE LOSE... y'all are a trip!
This dude is full of crap.... and is still EMAILING ME!!

Can dudes not take a hint when the girl doesn't want to see him?
And not throw a fit online.
Like jeez.

And if I cancel on you.. maybe I wasn't up for your appt? Like damn, do you want to come and I'm in a bad mood or don't feel good and you end up having a bad time? . You're welcome for canceling so you don't have a bad time..
Heck, the dude who wrote the review could have been the one that made me not want to see anyone else and who made me cancel.- maybe he was an ass. Maybe he smelled... maybe he hurt me!

Like y'all don't ever put yourself in the girls shoes. Sometimes we can't just "suck it up" and see other appts... sometimes we are human!

But hey thanks for posting this... cuz I'm booking up for next week!
Pedrosia's Avatar
I think I'll rent her a car
WMJ4657's Avatar
I guess my question would be you scheduled him 3 separate times never kept any of the appts, when did you decide he was psycho? After first cancellation? 2nd? Or 3rd? Why would you keep making an appt that you thought the guy was a psycho?
These Texas guys are idiots.

Please visit Louisiana sometime Ember. 4hrs from Houston.
PeterBota's Avatar
These Texas guys are idiots.

Please visit Louisiana sometime Ember. 4hrs from Houston. Originally Posted by lakenight
She will cancel on your broke ass. Dickhead