Dreams DO come True!

Candi Staxx's Avatar
YES, it looks like Dreams DO come true guys, as I am BACK!

Its been just over 2 years and while Ive enjoyed my time away, for several reasons, Ive decided to get back into hobbying, for now anyway! After some quick Traveling, then finishing school and a handful of crappy waitress jobs, I landed what is (to me) just about my Dream job! I love it! I promise its nothing too glamorous at all, but its something I truly enjoy. Although obviously not as much as hobbying! Luckily with a recent small promotion, I can move around a bit more. Literally and with my schedule as well! In the past 2 years I've tried dating, which I quickly learned- Dont tell guys about your "old" career! Also, as weird as it may be..and trust me I dated some pretty hot guys- I found I was'nt enjoying the sex as much either as when I was in the hobby. Lastly, as much as I LOVE the life I've made for myself..sometimes it is a bit boring! So Now in 2017, I decided I missed a few things about the hobby enough to come back! The Hot and random Sex, yes of coarse the extra Money, and the Traveling! So for now, or until I miss my "normal" life again, I am returning. I cannot promise how long I will, or will not, be around. So Lets just have fun for now!

Also while it makes me SO happy to hear from everyone, I ask that you all keep your well wishes to this thread for now, pretty please! Although I will be soon, I am not touring again just yet, but already have hundreds of PM's and Emails to sift through (since someone thought it would be a good idea not to deactivate anything- SMH at myself) I will have dates up soon on my website soon though, as well as Ads out when I make the decisions! Again I am so happy to be back and definitely look forward to seeing everyone again soon!
Dr Grey's Avatar
Welcome back. Many, and I mean many, will be happy to see you.
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 01-21-2017, 03:41 AM
Hmmm! Never had the pleasure! Welcome back!
Thank the high heavens!!! Welcome back!!
SpursFan's Avatar
Holy crap!

Has hell frozen over? Are dogs sleeping with cats? Are the planets in alignment?

Must be cuz she's coming back. Aghhh the mammaries.


bamatide's Avatar
Welcome back!!
Ms. Staxx, you have a call on Line 2. It's MrTex. I'm very glad to hear of your return and look forward to seeing you again - soon!!
Welcome back, glad you are well

  • Kori
  • 01-21-2017, 06:35 AM
Candi Staxx Is back! Welcome back! ;-)
Welcome back Candi!!!! You were missed.

MrTex1959's Avatar
Cover me....Yes I'm here

Welcome back and hope you make it back to San Antonio soon. Really looking forward to seeing you.
pickupkid's Avatar
Welcome back Sweete
Welcome back
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
Even though you can't see me, I'm doing my happy dance right now. LOL. Welcome back.
Welcome back.