On site draw a card game

I thought it would be fun to have a sort of game where the client gets to draw a piece of paper out of the hat and it would have different deals on it. I don't know if I'm even allowed to mention what might be on the cards. You can p.m. me if you want to know. Has anyone ever done some sort of game like this?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Once upon a time ago....
Handful of gals put their hotel door keys into a shoebox, the guys did high card cut to see which guy picked a door key 1st.
Ask Winter Kay about her skittles game.
I love this idea! No matter the result, you still get lucky!
hornyoldtoad's Avatar
i heard of a lady (can't for the life of me remember the name, she was in CO i think) that used a punch card for a while and said it was successful...
Sounds like a plan! PM if you want a hint what might be offered
Sounds fun!!!
yourdesire's Avatar
All the above sound fun. I did a deal once where the 1st 10 I think I set to schedule in a specific time span.got Big brakes it was a pretty good deal