No Party for Old White Men

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Pat Buchanan article on changes in the democratic party.

For Nancy Pelosi, 78, Steny Hoyer, 79, and Joe Biden, 75, the primary results from New York's 14th congressional district are a fire bell in the night.

For the Democratic Party appears about to unleash its radical left, its Maxine Waters wing, and give its ideology another run in the yard.

When the party has done this before, however, it did not end well.

After Hubert Humphrey lost narrowly in 1968, an enraged left seized the nomination for George McGovern, who went on to lose 49 states to Richard Nixon.

Columnist Dana Milbank, who sees it as progress, writes, "A majority of House Democrats are ... women, people of color or gay."

inside this emerging Democratic majority of peoples of color, fractures and fissures are already visible.

If I'm reading his assessment correctly, the democratic party is going to be more browner and will have fewer whites.

as for the fissures, watch the asian community. I do not think they appreciate being discriminated.... they're looked on as "too white".
It's not just the white men, it's also the white womyn: Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Feinstien, Hillary, etc

It's really the "old guard." They aren't laying the groundwork for transition either. These Dims are drunk on their own power and it just ain't whites. Dims like Conner, Hastings etc who aren't white are drug from their positions by gentle force even though they'd retire with full salary and benefits.

When the list comes out of "concerns of the American citizen" and climate change and transsexual rights are at the bottom but they are being scream about like they are at the top you are burning political capital. When everyone is told that children are being separated from their parents and you find out its not true, then your credibility is gone.