the 2010 version of the hobby...glad to see it go?

bigtxhorseman's Avatar
I have been on hiatus for about 3 yrs or so. Upon my return to the hobby in the now past, 2010, I have been left with some mixed feelings. I renewed some old friendships but I also started on a slide that hope is short and brief.
Now I'm not bragging, but I've not been down this road before. I've had a run of bad luck that I hope ends with 2010. Bad visits, dissappointing sessions, no-shows, and just plain bad luck. Could it be the law of averages catching up to me? Playing "catch up" from the time out of the hobby and just not doing my due diligence? Or has my mojo left me?
There's usually always a thread like this around this time, just like the retiring ones. I was just curious as to how everyone felt about this new year we've now started. Here's to a great 2011 for all.
And if anyone has any suggestions on how to shake this funk that I'm I would be most gracious to hear them.