IOWA 100% in for REPUB

ss4699's Avatar
Results for Iowa Republican Caucus (U.S. Presidential Primary)Jan 03, 2012 (100% of precincts reporting)

Rick Santorum 29,944 24.6%
Mitt Romney 29,926 24.5%
Ron Paul 26,163 21.5%
Newt Gingrich 16,210 13.3%
Rick Perry 12,574 10.3%
Michele Bachmann 6,064 5%
Jon Huntsman 744 0.6%
Herman Cain 58 0%
Buddy Roemer 31 0%
No Preference 133 0.1%
Other 117 0.1%

The DarkSide's Avatar
Not so fast lol, numbers are wrong it was 99% reporting with those numbers. But I agree huge win for Santorum
Starry69's Avatar
Iowa caucus results: Mitt Romney beats Rick Santorum by 8 votes
all iowa is,is a overated straw means nothing.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What if 50 people in each county arrived at the democratic caucus and voted for Ron Paul. 5000 votes for Paul and only 3000 for Barack Obama. Paul wins the DEMOCRATIC caucus.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 01-04-2012, 10:58 AM
Bachmann, Perry and Cain all said that God was calling on them to run. Based on how they finished, he was just fucking with them.
ss4699's Avatar
Not so fast lol, numbers are wrong it was 99% reporting with those numbers. But I agree huge win for Santorum Originally Posted by The DarkSide
Round off effect DS - and the final count was a few different than the earlier report!
Wizard of Oz had some straw in it, Toto where are you?
I heard she has dropped out!

What is next? Big lead in the next one, but can he hold it?
Bachmann, Perry and Cain all said that God was calling on them to run. Based on how they finished, he was just fucking with them. Originally Posted by KCJoe

Now this is damn funny.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 01-04-2012, 04:21 PM
What kind of idiots actually voted for this douchbag?

Rick Santorum reiterated his belief that states should have the right to outlaw contraception during an interview with ABC News yesterday, saying, “The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have.”
Santorum has long opposed the Supreme Court’s 1965 ruling “that invalidated a Connecticut law banning contraception” and has also pledged to completely defund federal funding for contraception if elected president. As he told editor Shane Vander Hart in October, “One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country,” the former Pennsylvania senator explained. “It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”
Wow, he is against sport fucking. Fuck that asshole.
Sounds like he needs a good fucking and blow job.
Lets make that your mission. Then we will create high dollar escort scandal, then we will never hear from him again. We'll call it being Spitzered.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Personal opinion of Santorum that has never, NEVER been turned into legislation. Popular move by liberal progressives; take someone's personal beliefs and try to make it scary. Of course liberal progressive democrats have turned their beliefs into law, or tried, on many occassions; abortion, gun control, hate speech, hate crimes, political correctness, etc.
Well, I agree that states SHOULD HAVE THAT RIGHT, along with a bunch of others, simply because the US Constitution gives them that right. That doesn't mean I think it's a good idea, or that it's anything that should be done, but I think they have that right under the constitution and once again, the courts overstepped their authority.

If I stay in KS, walk up to Joe Blow and scatter his brains with the pull of the trigger you know what I'll be charged with? A felony STATE crime of homicide. Not a federal one. That's how it should be. It is a state concern, not a federal one. The feds send the FBI to "assist" in many murder investigations but unless it directly affects the federal government that's all they are there for (yeah right, but you get my drift).

Now having said all that Santorum is actually making a strong constitutional case of the feds over reaching their authority. He's not going to win the nomination, but he's making a good point.

A lot of these candidates knew going in they didn't stand a chance but they felt they had something important to say and wanted to be heard. That's happening. Ron Paul will not be the GOP candidate but he believes strongly in some things he really wanted heard and he's going to have some influence at the convention, like it or not.

I'm a registered republican only because in KS we don't have open primaries, at my heart I'm much more of a Libertarian republican blend, heavy on the libertarian. I really believe for the most part that if it harms nobody else, it's nobody else's business with a few rare exceptions. That's not that far off Ron Paul's line, but some of his foreign policy issues will be disastrous, pre-WW stuff and we should learn from that history.

Lets make that your mission. Then we will create high dollar escort scandal, then we will never hear from him again. We'll call it being Spitzered. Originally Posted by royamcr

Then I can go on all tabloid shows and then hit up the morning shows, oh and then I'll write a book. Sweeeeeet.